The Primacy of Preaching Part Two

Following my reading of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ classic book, Preaching and Preachers, I want to address one of the most common objections to most of his conclusions.  Many people respond to Lloyd-Jones by simply saying it’s no longer 1950. And that’s right; it isn’t. But here is his response in my own words.

His approach is […]

Where Were You?

I’ve been asked this question twice in my life.  The first was about the murder of President John Kennedy.  I was in Cranfils Gap, Texas, where I was the pastor of the Baptist church.  The second was the terrorist attack on 9/11. I was in Columbus, Ohio, at a hotel next to the airport […]

Why Do Churches Wait until It’s Almost Too Late?

One of the things I’ve noticed over my years of consulting is that most declining churches wait until it’s almost too late to try to stop their decline. They will watch their worship attendance decline some 50-60% over a ten-year period and do nothing about it. But here’s the kicker  – they won’t do anything about it until […]

Why Some Churches Grow and Others Do Not

We believe every pastor wants to enable their church to thrive and reach its potential. We want to help you do just that.

We’ve noticed something along the way. Successful pastors have different belief systems and do things differently than unsuccessful pastors. One can believe all he or she wants to, but if it isn’t […]

Family Reunion

Some years ago, my three brothers and I got together for a family reunion. We gathered our wives and kids and traveled to a central location and spent a weekend eating, swimming, participating in a talent show but mostly just catching up on what was going on in each other’s lives. Our kids got […]

Preaching to the New Target

Let’s be honest. Most of us pastor-types were taught to preach primarily to a modern, well-churched or church-experienced audience. The target of our preaching was essentially “one of us.”

I hear some of you howling in protest. “I was taught how to preach evangelistically!” Yeah, so was I… but those preaching methods presumed that those […]

The American Church in Crises

By David Olsen

This is a must read for any Christian leader who wants to play a part in what God is doing in our world at this point in time. Olsen has given us a priceless book. It’s not doom and gloom. It clearly shows the way forward. The hope of the American church […]

Halloween Outreach 2021

When I was a kid, Halloween was always a very special night in our neighborhood. We would dress up in costume, go trick or treating and we would always make sure we went to the door of the “good house” on our block. The goodhouse was the one whose owner handed out the best […]

The Third Core Spiritual Habit: Intentionally Encouraging Other Christians

I’m a big advocate of “one-anothering”, perhaps because it was practiced so effectively in the early church. One-anothering is how Christians are called (and expected) to treat each another – at least from a New Testament perspective.

In the Gospels, Jesus gave us five love directives: (1) love God; (2) love our neighbors; (3) love […]