Did You Know … ?

Some things just creep up on you …

Though the statistics in the video below date back to 2010, the information is invaluable. The question is, how will the church respond? Watch the video and then continue reading to engage in a conversation about how the church is responding. (Click the video screen to view.)

Too […]

Work Towards Role Clarity

Inculating a Shared Leadership DNA

The most common threat to shared leadership DNA in organizations is role confusion among the organization’s various leadership elements. This shows up as an absence of clarity regarding the specific boundaries and functions of the board and the operational management team.   Regardless of the type of organization, it is common […]

25% Of U.S. Children Live in Poverty – And a Challenge

My heart fell through tonight as I listened to “60 Minutes” tell me that one out of every four children in our country now lives in poverty. This is the highest number since the Great Depression, and there is nothing on the horizon to make me believe this number won’t get higher.  And we […]

The Fifth Core Spiritual Habit: Personal Faith Sharing

The fifth core spiritual habit shifts the focus from ourselves and the church, and puts it where it ultimately belongs – on others.

Jesus’ last commandment was to make disciples and to be a witness to what we’ve experienced in Jesus Christ (as opposed to what we’ve experienced in the church). In general, the church […]

Top Six Tacticle Mistakes a Church Makes

Almost twenty years of consulting with more than 30 denominations has allowed me to see some common tactical mistakes made by church leaders. Although I have seen many mistakes, six stand out as the most common tactical mistakes made by church leaders (I have ranked them according to the damage they can do to […]

Status Updates Matter

I’m always amazed, but seldom surprised, by the content of status updates I see church leaders, especially pastors, making these days. One pastor was apparently having a bad day (or week, month, year, or ministry… I wasn’t sure which) and he let the world know that life pretty much sucked for him. I wondered […]

Donald E. Miller, Reinventing American Protestantism

Miller, Donald E.Reinventing American Protestantism
(University of California Press, 1997) 245 pages, hardback, $27.50. Obtain from University of California Press, 2120 Berkeley Way, Berkeley, CA 94720, 510-643-0682.Few books like this one come along in a lifetime. Anyone interested in reaching and discipling unchurched or pre-Christian people born between 1945 and 1970 (anti-institutional Baby Boomers) will […]

Modeling Jesus

When I was a kid, I used to like to put model airplanes together. Revell made all sorts of great models, but I loved the aircraft. I built a Mustang, a P38, and a number of others. I even tried my hands at building an aircraft carrier so I could build the accompanying aircraft. […]

War Ship Small Groups

I recently had a student who designed a new small group system for her church and called them War Ship Small Groups.

And she was uniformly eaten by a couple of students for using battle language … I guess because that kind of language is pointedly missing from the Bible (I don’t know which […]