Church Planting Team

According to Forbes Magazine, new businesses starting with partners were four times more likely to succeed than those who started with solo entrepreneurs. Do not start alone.

A suggested planting team consists of the following members:

Team leader (Pastor):
Full-time, paid.
A magnetic personality, networker, entrepreneur, who attracts a diversity of people.

Worship leader:
Full-time, paid.
Recruiter of various types of […]

Does Your Church’s Culture Honor God?

I was the pastor of a good church but, honestly, it didn’t honor God like it should when it came to new people.  We were very friendly to each other, however, guests didn’t seem to find us hospitable.

Sadly, the vast majority of churches are like that.  What about yours?  What is the friendliness status […]

The Value of a Coach

Church planters spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on starting a new church, and many work 70-80 hours a week putting butts in the seats. But when it comes to spending a couple of thousand a year for a coach, they balk.

I can’t tell you how many stories I could tell about church planters trying […]

Essentials for Breaking Worship Barriers: Part Four

So far we’ve looked at the essentials for breaking three barriers: 200, 500, and 1,000 in worship. We’ve learned that each barrier builds on the essentials of the previous two barriers.  Any one of the essentials that is missing will make your leadership much more difficult. Now, it’s time to look at breaking the […]

Essentials for Breaking Worship Barriers: Part Two

Over the weekend I posted the essentials for breaking the 200 in worship growth barrier.  Today, I’m listing the essentials for breaking the 500 barrier.

Keep in mind that these barrier numbers are just that- numbers.  These barriers aren’t broken the moment you average higher than they are.  For example: you really don’t break the 200 […]

Essentials for Breaking Worship Barriers: Part Three

We’ve looked at how to break the barriers of 200 and 500 in worship; now it’s time to examine how to push through the 1,000 barrier.  Keep in mind that each barrier builds on the essentials of the previous barriers. So you might take a look at them also to make sure you have […]

My Blog: Now You See It; Now You Don’t

For some reason recent articles on my blog have disappeared. I know that because several of you have emailed me asking where to find certain posts that are no longer on the blog.

We had a worm in the transferring of our servers from one location to another so we guess that is what happened.

It’s […]

Build On Your Strengths First

I’m a big fan of the therapeutic model … if you need therapy. But it’s a rare church that needs therapy … and over the years we’ve found that the therapeutic model is seriously hurting a lot of churches.

Let me explain.

In case you’re not familiar with the therapeutic model, it’s the practice generally used […]

Tom Bandy, Mission Mover

Mission MoverTom Bandy

“Mission Mover” comes from the heart of a veteran pastor, national denominational leader, seminary educator, and acclaimed consultant with over 30 years experience in mission all over North America and beyond. His heart bursts for young and old, newcomers to Christ and veterans of the church, who long to free themselves from […]