The Six Most Common Mistakes Pastors Make and What to do About Them

Over the years I’ve seen pastors make the same mistakes over and over. Every time I see these mistakes I can almost bet their church is declining. So I thought I would share with you the six most common mistakes I see pastors doing and what to do about it.

Mistake Number One: Not making […]

The Only Goal for Church Success

There are some churches with great vitality in our nation.  That is awesome.  But most of you who read this, if you happen to go to church, are a part of a congregation that struggles.  Welcome to the 21st century American religious reality.

It is mind boggling how quickly the spiritual climate has changed.  Fifty […]

The Missing Piece for Making Disciples

It’s common for church people to resist the “ways of the world” when it impacts how we do church together.  At The Effective Church Group, we are always ready for push back when we express practical advice which arises from the reality of how human nature works.

We hear “It’ll never work; or it’s not […]

Helpful Questionnaire

…most helpful to your ministry today? * How to free up my schedule so I can invest time in life-changing activities. How to increase the number of first-time visitors in…

Youth Aren’t the Future of Your Church

Today, I’m going to address two more of the top six tactical mistakes churches make. Keep in mind these aren’t criticisms. They are, like the blog says, observations. I’ve worked in almost 1,000 churches in the past twenty years. I know that doesn’t make me an expert but it does give some credibility to my observations.
When […]

Do Sweat the Small Stuff

I’m sure you have all heard the phrase, don’t sweat the small stuff. That expression was highlighted in Richard Carlson’s book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and It’s All Small Stuff. In it he tells you how to keep from letting the little things in life drive you crazy. Carlson reveals ways to calm down […]

Summer Priorities – Tip 6: Mission Projects

Short term mission projects are a good way to overcome the unfortunate modern tradition of the “summer slump”. Church people tend to become lackadaisical about Sunday worship because they have forgotten entirely about God’s mission. So if you get them back into God’s mission, they will often find it more meaningful to come to […]

Heads Up about The Nines

This is a heads-up about a great event coming up on September 9 called The Nines. This is its second year. The only change is that every video will be under 6 minutes and they will be from some of the best church leaders in the country – and yes, I am one of the […]

Get Some Visibility

Bill Easum and I are working on an ebook called Church Turnaround. In one section, we talk about getting noticed by the community. Far too many churches that have been in existence for any length of time have become invisible to the community. If you’re going to turn your church around, you’ll have to be […]