You Can Do Better Than PowerPoint

I don’t tend to do blog posts that say, “Yeah, what he said,” but this is a rare exception. Seth Godin writes a business blog that I subscribe to. I started following him when he said some things about PowerPoint presentations that I found to be true in the church… that is, that most of […]

Hiring and Firing Staff

Today, I had a conversation with one of the church planters I’m coaching. During the coaching call he asked me, “What are some ways to help staff be more productive?” I made several suggestions and then I told him that his question is not the most important question on this subject. The more important […]

You Reflect Yourself Better Than You Think

I’m in the final throes of writing a recommendation report for a congregation I did a consultation with. While making a recommendation for the church to better define their values, I got distracted by discussing the difference between one’s beliefs and one’s values. I’ve long said that beliefs drive values and values drive beliefs, […]

Church Yesterday … Church Today

Bill Easum and Tony Jones are in the midst of a conversation about the Emergent Church at the Emergent Village website … it’s called a Blogologue. I’m keeping up with it and enjoying the ride. One of the comments on “Part 2” caught my attention though, and in the midst of another conversation I’m […]

What’s Wrong with Small Churches?

I recently got a note from a pastor who thought that we at The Effective Church Group are down on small churches … that the only faithful churches are large churches. “The larger the better, it seems.”

Let me crystal clear: There’s nothing wrong with small churches. In the words of some smartie, “God […]

No Pain, No Gain

ure, it’s a cliché. No doubt about it. But it doesn’t make it any less true.

Although the pastor had been there for a couple years, he was just one in a long line of bullied leaders. No one had any idea what to do about her, but she’d been known to brag about the […]

Questions to Ask of a Failed Church Plant

Did the planter develop a team first?
If so, how long were they together before planting?
Who was on the team and what responsibilities did they have?
Did the planter have the Mission and core values in place first?
Did the pastor cast a compelling vision? (And if so, compelling to who?)
How […]

Worship Leader’s Job Description

Bill Easum 2007


Position Objective: To provide pastoral leadership to the worship ministries of (your church).

This should reflect whatever mission or vision statement you have.

Position Description: The worship pastor will be the “producer” of each worship service and special programs.  Although the senior pastor is the “director” in terms of setting the theme and overall direction, […]

Church Planting Landmines

Nebel and Rohrmayer

One of the most practical books on the subject of church planting I’ve seen to date. It should be read by every church planter. Tom Nebel and Gary Rohrmayer have the church plantings scares to prove their experience.  For 15 plus years they have committed their lives to walking with church planters […]