Measuring the Strength of Your Workplace


Measuring the Strength of Your Workplace

First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers do Differently, Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman

By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw

In the church, we can learn so much from many other organizations. The Gallup Organization has done a massive in-depth study of great managers across a wide variety of situations. […]

Desire for God: Journal for Life in the Eternal


Desire for God: Journal for Life in the Eternal

Convergence 2004 – Global Positioning for the Soul

By: Tom Bandy

The spiritually yearning, institutionally alienated public is still the fastest growing demographic in North America today … and Christian mission is adjusting with a whole new merging of spiritual life, team multiplication, and worship design. Tom Bandy […]

Release Your Young Leaders

By Bill Easum
         Over the years the average age of the people who serve in leadership on the churches Boards I’ve worked with (over six hundred) is fifty-two years of age, whereas the average age of our country is 36.9. In addition, the average board member has been a member of the church for […]

Tip One: Take a Close Look at Your Leadership System

There are two components making up the “leadership system” in most congregations: the board and the operational management team.  This cohort is the formal leadership group, or groups, that execute the two core elements of leadership:

1.) They discern the spiritual and missional destinations and/or establish boundaries within the congregation.  Frequently this leadership element will […]

Ten Ways to Life or Death

By: Jeff Patton

#1—EQUIP—Ephesians 4:11-12 is quite clear.  The role of the pastor is to equip the saints.  So equip, equip, equip.  Stop doing all the ministry.  Empower the people to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit by using their gifts, stretching their faith and witness God’s power in their midst’s.

#2—Do something to encourage […]

Hirsch, The Permanent Revolution

Let the fireworks begin!  You’ll either love The Permanent Revolution or you’ll hate it.

Hirsch and Catchim have opened a huge can of worms that has been rotting for centuries.  What can am I referring to? The Apostolic can.

The authors declare that it is impossible for the church to reach maturity or unity without rediscovering the five-fold […]



In Modernity humans were the great observers. What we saw and how we interpreted it became fiat law – even if it was wrong. The world was flat; the world was round. The earth was the center of the universe; the earth was merely a pebble in a pond. Everything revolved around the earth; […]

Follow-Up: Part Three

This post started off as a response to a comment left by Frank in the Churches That Don’t Want To Grow post. He attends a fifty year old church in a fifty year old neighborhood that’s suffering from decline. He wanted to know a bit more about visitor follow up and so on.

So, let […]

Electronic Giving

A discussion came up on one of the various forums I monitor.  The question was “How do you feel about kiosks for giving?”  My response was this: “Electronic giving is to worship today is like visuals were to worship in the 80s. If you don’t do it, you’ll be left in the dust.”

The younger the […]