Conversation About Jesus

If you were to have a conversation about Jesus with a non-Christian, what would you say and do?

When was the last time you had a conversation with someone about their relationship to Jesus Christ?

One of the hard pills most church leaders need to swallow and digest is the realization that preaching as we know […]

Church Planting Models … Stuck-In-A-Rut

Why is it that in a denomination with the slogan “A thousand church plants, a thousand different models” that when it comes to Anglo church planting there seems to be only one model that gets any serious conversation: The Pastor Developer Model.

Talk about so yesterday. And so expensive. .And so very, very ineffective for […]

Multiple Activities on Sunday

It is not unusual for congregations to have multiple activities on Sunday morning. When they do, it is good to consider the following givens.

One, adding a second Sunday School is very difficult because: it breaks up children from their friends; it allows people to shift back and forth between the two hours which results […]

Controllers and Systems

For excellent resources see Bill Easum, Unfreezing Moves


What Bill says works with controllers because controllers are all about trying to maintain the status quo and maintain homeostasis. That’s how they keep control. If you focus on your controllers, then you are simply contributing to the anxiety, and sooner or later the anxiety will focus […]

Meditating on Exodus 18

The story of Moses and Jethro can help us understand the role of leadership and the importance of relationships. In this text Jethro bluntly tells Moses that his leadership style stinks -“What you are doing is not good.”

Jethro could do that because they had known each other for more than 40 years. They had […]

Why I Love the Church


Several months ago I wrote an article about my brother-in-law and his church. The title of the article was Is There a Future for Old Military Road Baptist Church? Judging from the feedback I received, it was one of the more helpful articles I have written.

My brother-in-law was dying. He had been battling cancer for about […]

You Get What You Look For

When I work in a church with a large staff invariably two of three of the staff have all of the volunteers they need while the rest of the staff complain that no one in the church will volunteer to serve.  If there are ten full time paid staff, two will have lots of […]

Why Kindness: An Invitation to be a World Changer

Every person on Planet Earth has at least one thing in common.  Regardless of creed, geography or age:  We all want to leave the world in a better state than the way we found it.  

I have drawn encouragement from numerous influential rabbis throughout history. The rabbis I particularly enjoy are the ones who have committed […]

So Tell Me

“So tell me, good sir,” as he asked the question, his face made it clear, he was brimming with skepticism about any credibility to the idea of serving, “Just how long does it take before those served respond to your message?”

I thought I understood what he was getting at, but just so the several […]