1954-Jerusalem or Antioch

It marked the beginning of a profound cultural shift and the gradual end of five hundred years of modern history known as “Modernity.” It caused polite society to blush in anger and teenagers to dance with joy. It went virtually unnoticed by church leaders even  though it was to have a profound effect on Christianity.
May 10, 1954, […]

Why I Needed a Consultant, Twice

I think most people would say I was a good leader while pastoring. All three of my churches grew while I was there. Still, twice I needed to bring in a consultant.

Lyle Schaller was the first consultant.  I had been at the church for eleven or twelve years after restarting the church and some […]

Growing a Church from 500-900

I’m constantly asked about the keys to moving through the various barriers churches face. Over the years I compiled my list.  Since this post was lost in the transfer of our site, I’m reposting it.

Staff becomes far more essential to the journey.
Pastor has to hone his or her hiring skills.
All staff […]

Three Great Books this Summer

My reading this summer hasn’t produced a lot of excellent books, but it has produced three excellent books that are worth purchasing.

Perhaps the best book of this summer and perhaps this year is The Age of the Unthinkable, By Joshua Cooper Ramo

If you’re ready to stretch your brain and learn from a wide variety […]

The Future of Church Consulting

I began consulting with churches part time in 1987. I’ve been a full time consultant to churches since 1990. My consulting firm, 21st Century Strategies, Inc. has been around for twenty-two years. So I’ve had time to see a lot of changes in church consulting over the years- some good and some not so […]

Why Every Pastor Needs A Coach

The longer I am in ministry, the more I realize how valuable a coach is to a pastor.  Coaching wasn’t in vogue when I was pastoring. I wish it were; it would have saved me from making several big mistakes.  Let me share a couple of mistakes that could have been avoided if I […]

Things I learned at the 2011 National Evangelism Workshop

Another one’s in the books and the Nashville NEW 2011 appears to have been a success on many levels. Since many of you weren’t able to make this year’s event, I thought I’d share some of the things I picked up from the event.

One of the highlights was Ed Stetzer’s keynote address. He used […]

Turn Around Lessons in Year Ten!

After a decade serving and leading in a turn around church, God has taught me several lessons.  They keep in spirit with the lessons I wrote about five years ago, but have more focus.  Here they are:

The most important life I lead is my own.  Self-leadership has pushed itself to the top of my […]

Antiques Roadshow in the Pulpit

I’ve been saying this for at least five years and now it appears I’ve been onto something. The day of the sermon as we know it is dead. Or at least, if you want to bother teaching and reaching the under-fifty crowd, it needs to be dead.

“A study by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Carl Wieman […]