A Second Conversation with Ralph Moore

Not long ago I did a post on my conversation with Ralph Moore of Hope Chapel in Honolulu. In this conversation I asked Ralph if what I had heard was true – that at times he has given away a sizable portion of his existing congregation to plant churches and did some of them […]

Was Your Father’s Day Service Special?

Let’s face it, guys. Father’s Day is the Rodney Dangerfield of holidays. It’s the,“I get-no-respect” little brother to Mother’s Day. Interestingly, the American version of Father’s Day was first proposed in 1909 by a grateful daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd. Her father, a Civil War veteran, singlehandedly raised six children after his wife died in […]

Are You All About Growing Churches? Or Making Disciples?

That’s a question I received today from someone who was asking based on an email invitation their received to tomorrow’s seminar on spiritual conversations and evangelism that I’m holding. I decided to treat the question as if it was a real question, as opposed to a snarky question that implied something completely different.

Here’s my response:

Few churches have the tools to walk someone who is […]

Looking for a Worship Leader?

If you’re looking for a full-time worship leader, which is the number one hire after the lead pastor, there is a head hunting group that specializes in this area. Find them at www.slingshotgroup.net

Take a Core Team Deep


Take A Core Team Deep

By: Bill Easum

What would happen to your ministry if every year you chose a dozen lay people you felt had potential and spent the year discipling them? What would happen if every paid staff person on your staff did the same?

Suggestions for such an experiment:

Begin the time exploring the movement […]


The most important thing to do … and you can do this in conversation with your various teams at church … is to decide what the missional goal of the sabbatical is. Frequently I find clergy unclear about this, and later they or the church discover the sabbatical was really just a healing or […]

Church’s Three Common Christmas Catastrophes

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. At least for the church it is … or should be. This is the one time of the year when the word Christ, though well disguised, is on the lips of pretty much everyone regardless of their beliefs. This is the one season of the year […]

Why Do Baseball Players Spit and Football Players Scratch Their Butts

I’ve been stuck in a hotel with the flu for five days so I have lots of time to ask dumb questions. With nothing to do but sneeze and cough and watch TV, I turned to the Yankees and Red Sox game.  That afternoon, still with nothing to do, I watched  the Colts game […]

The Top Six Tactical Mistakes Churches Make

Over twenty years of consulting with more than 40 denominations has allowed me to see some common tactical mistakes made by church leaders. Although I have seen many mistakes, six stand out as the most common tactical mistakes made by church leaders (I have ranked them according to the damage they can do to a […]