Welcoming Your Guests (Part 1)

Every church thinks they are the friendliest church in town.

If your church is like the one I last pastored, it still uses a “Welcome” time in the service.” In this part of the service the expectation is that the people stand and greet those around them. This usually involves people tossing a quick […]

Your First Impression Greeters

This is Part Two of a Three Part series on effective hospitality. (Part 1)

Help your greeting team to understand the importance of the first impression that they make on your guests. These non-paid ministers on your greeting team are at the heart of your church’s growth. Invest time in training them to offer appropriate […]

Quick Strategies for Tiny Churches

This morning, I had the opportunity to reach out to a colleague who was struggling to grow his church. He was averaging about twenty-five, but on Easter there were over 100 who showed up. Since then, though, his congregation has been mostly unwilling to step up to do the work of transformation. He was […]

The Father Factor

My father died in a car accident when I was 16 years old and it was one of the most significant moments of my life. I was fortunate to have had my father around during my formative years. In the years that followed, I sought out lots of substitutes to fill the hole that […]

It’s Not About the Better Burger

At about the time I started my first church, I read a book targeted for the business world entitled, The E Myth by Michael Gerber. In it, the author states that 85% of new businesses fail in their first year and then over 80 percent of those that survived the first year will close […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Turning Mainline Decline into a Multiplication Movement

Mainline Christianity has been in a free fall decline since the mid 1960s.  Some want to blame it on a changing culture; others say it’s the way all organizations go sooner or later; while others just throw up their hands and give up the ghost.

The truth is, we don’t believe any of these excuses […]

My Predictions for 2050

Over the years, I’ve made a few predictions about the future and every one of them has come true (you can see the bulk of them here). Now it’s time for another set of predictions. The first seven predictions are strictly about Christianity and the remaining predictions are secular but will need to be […]

National Park

The last twenty years of North American culture has been moving from what I call a National Park world to a world that can only be described as a Jungle.

Consider the following comparisons:

National Park

•       Are neatly laid out
•       Predictable and slow to change
•       Warn you about dangers animals
•       Provide adequate shelter
•       National parks change […]

The Times They Are A-Changing

Throughout history, especially the last 200 years, everything has constantly and consistently changed. No one would deny that.

However, today, it’s not just that things are changing; it’s that nothing is the same as it was just a few years ago. We aren’t just living in changing times; we are living in a time of […]