Who Is My Neighbor?

When I was growing up, if I wanted to play football I had to go out into the neighborhood and put together a team. Playing ball was a neighborhood sport.  Not so anymore. Consider the following.

Today most children who want to play football are driven to an organized program that may consist of children […]

25% Of U.S. Children Live in Poverty – And a Challenge

My heart fell through tonight as I listened to “60 Minutes” tell me that one out of every four children in our country now lives in poverty. This is the highest number since the Great Depression, and there is nothing on the horizon to make me believe this number won’t get higher.  And we […]

It’s Out! (And What People Are Saying)

Our new book, Effective Staffing for Vital Churches, is now on sale in print, for Kindle, and maybe for Nook on November 1. Many have pre-ordered and we thank you. We believe it is one of our best books to date.  Rick Warren thought so too, writing, “This book is a winner.”


We are getting […]

A Helpful Hint to Pastors

One of the things I’ve noticed over the years is that pastors, for one reason or another, are the most disorganized group on the planet. I know because I’m one of them. Once, years ago, I was supposed to have dinner with a member of the church, and I forgot. Did I ever have […]

Directness Wins… at Least for Me

I’ve never been very good at catching subtle hints, but I was pretty good at laying them out there. For years, I worked with churches and tried to lead with gentle-ish suggestions, but little changed. It was in Loganville, Georgia where I intentionally made a change.

I was the pastor of a historic church on […]

The Only Goal for Church Success

There are some churches with great vitality in our nation.  That is awesome.  But most of you who read this, if you happen to go to church, are a part of a congregation that struggles.  Welcome to the 21st century American religious reality.

It is mind boggling how quickly the spiritual climate has changed.  Fifty […]

Is Targeting an Exclusionary Tactic?

I’m in the midst of a fantastic conversation with a pastor of the Reformed persuasion and the topic of targeting worship for particular demographics, micro-cultures, etc. came up. He suggested that some consider targeting to be less than okay and that he “resists” the target terminology.

That’s not an uncommon notion in the church today. […]

Mega Churches Have Problems Too

Compare the top ten mega churches for 2003 and 2006. The changes are phenomenal.  Several churches took major hits in their attendance.


Lakewood Church (Oasis of Love) Houston 25,000
World Changers College Park, GA 23,000
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, CA 20,000
Potters House Dallas 18,500
Second Baptist Houston 18,500
Willow Creek South Burlington, ILL, […]

Leadership Alone is Not Enough

By: Bruce Cole

New Hope Christian Fellowship’s Wayne Cordeiro teaches leaders, “Leadership alone is not enough to take our churches into what God has for us. It must be linked with the word “spiritual.” Here’s a simple way to make sure you’re keeping “spiritual” linked to your leadership: the next time you interact with another leader […]