Your Destiny is Assured in Him

By now, most of us realize that we live in times of both great challenges and Kingdom advancement. Of course I’ve never been pregnant naturally, but I hear that labor pains feel a lot like dying. Yet, it is not death that is coming forth-but new life.

For many of us, we look at our […]

Be An Encourager Part 2

In my last blog post I addressed the story of a woman in Old Testament times by the name of Naomi who through her encouraging ministry secured a prosperous life for her daughter in law Ruth. Despite some of life’s most difficult circumstances, Godly leaders are able to help encourage others to achieve great […]

Snapshot of Your Neighbor

It’s Easter Monday as I sit to write this article. I had the luxury of having two viewpoints at two different churches yesterday. One of the churches was a 400 member church with three services and the other was a 200 member church with two services. Both churches’ staff knew that this would probably […]

Randy Newman, Questioning Evangelism

Newman, RandyQuestioning Evangelism

(Grand Rapids, MI, Kregel Publications, 2004), 269 pages, paperback, $12.99.  (Obtain from Kregel, Inc., PO Box 2607, Grand Rapids, MI 49501.)

Viewed from the evangelical perspective, this book borderlines on the profound. Viewed from any perspective, Newman brings a new meaning to the word “Evangelism.” With huge amounts of compassion, Newman brings apologetics into […]

Sample Staff Meeting Agenda

Just a few hours ago, we posted a sample board meeting agenda. Within minutes, we started receiving requests: “What would an effective staff meeting agenda look like?”

The primary difference between a board meeting and a staff meeting is that the staff is leading the programs and ministries of the church. They’re responsible for making […]

Why So Many Church Plants Plateau

Over the years I’ve noticed that a good number of church plants grow for two or three years, plateau, and then decline. It’s not unusual for a church to grow to 150-200 over a three-year period and then go nowhere. In my experience, there have been two causes of this failure to continue to […]

The Last Easum Event … Really

Someone asked me yesterday if this is really going to be my last event or was it just promotion. Hmmm. No one has ever heard me say anything like “this is my last event” before. At 79, it is the last one, I assure you. So, I wouldn’t wait for the next one because […]

The 80% Rule: There’s More to It Than Parking

The church was soooo proud. Their choir loft was shoulder-to-shoulder with sopranos, altos, tenors, baritones, and basses. So they didn’t see the “divide into two choirs” recommendation coming. They sounded so good and full, and wasn’t that the purpose of the choir? But the choir was so overgrown that it could no longer achieve […]

Perpetual Learning Environment

One of the biggest regrets of my early ministry was that I spent too much time among church people. Spending too much time with church people can dull one’s sense of adventure and innovation. I have found over the years that church people are prone to park their brains at the door when they […]