The Power of Trust

By Bill Easum

Late one afternoon, some fifty miles off the Texas coast, I had an unexpected encounter with God that would forever change my way of thinking about God and the Christian life. Prior to this encounter, I expected, or at least hoped, to experience God when I was “at church” in worship. However, […]

Great Commission Conference

…with a free will offering received. For more information, contact me at OR Pay Online And Register Now When: Saturday, October 29th, from 10 am to 2 pm CT….

Getting Your Building and Grounds Ready for Easter.

With Easter coming, most churches anticipate their largest services of the year. Are your building and grounds ready for double your average attendance? Here are a couple of things to turn your attention to in preparation. Is your parking lot in good shape? Usually 10 percent of your spaces should be clearly designated for […]

EBA Leadership Tip

Help for Dying Churches

by Jeff Patton

What is a dying church?  Have you seen one lately?  Are you in one?  Would you know if you were? Dying congregations have these characteristics:

They all say “We are friendly, debt free, and full of great people.”

They all have under 50 in worship, and use their money to survive.

They […]

Joseph Jarworsky, Synchonicity

Jarworski, Joseph Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership

(Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1996) 213 pages, $24.95 Hardback. Obtain thru Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, CA 415-288-0260.

Don’t let the first three chapters of this book fool you. This book is a “must” read for church leaders wanting to dream God’s dream or for those who need a […]

But What About Us?

We were talking about preaching to your target audience – your Outreach Avatar – and one of my preaching students shared that one of his elders was complaining about the sermon du jour on his way out on a Sunday morning. “Why do you preach about things that don’t relate to us?”

The pastor explained […]




By: Tom Bandy

There are two basic ways to practice accountability in your organization or church.

The traditional, top-down way is to list all the tasks that could or should be done and then supervise every person to make sure they are accomplished in the prescribed method and timeline. This practice of accountability is time consuming […]

Sanctuary at Home

by Bill Tenny-Brittian

In the early church (as well as in Judaism), the home was a sacred place. It was in a very real sense a refuge from the rough-n-tumble outside world. The home was also the center of a Christian family’s faith life. It was the sanctuary where the presence of the Spirit could […]

What I’ve Learned About Evangelism Over Five Decades

I led my first person to Christ in 1956 on a street corner in Austin Texas. I was seventeen and on fire. I used the Four Spiritual Laws and asked him to let Christ into his heart and behold he was a new person. I met the person years later and he was still […]