62 Ways to Connect with the Unchurched

In order to connect with the unchurched you have to have three ingredients: a knowledge of God’s word, a good relationship with unchurched people, and the ability to make the leap from a world of organized faith to a world of searching faith.  Most clergy and some laity have the first ingredient. However, very few clergy […]

Benefits of Long Tenure

Benefits of Long Term Tenures
Bill Easum

I’ve been reading a book title “The Longview” by Parrott. When I picked it up I wasn’t sure I would read it. But then the first chapter caught my attention – “Lead as if you’ll be there forever.” Folks, this is one of the most important sentences a protestant […]

The Struggle Is Real: Why Your Church Needs a Growth Checklist

If you’re a pastor or church leader, you know the struggle all too well. You pour your heart and soul into your ministry, but despite your best efforts, your church just isn’t growing. You’re not alone. According to recent statistics, a staggering 66% of churches in the United States are either plateaued or in […]

Church Reputation: The Key to Church Growth and Attracting Visitors

The Transformative Power of Reputation

In the vast landscape of community institutions, churches hold a unique position. They are places of worship, community gathering, and often, outreach. Yet, despite their pivotal role, many churches remain virtually unknown in their communities. The key to bridging this gap and fostering growth? Building a solid reputation.

The Stark Reality: […]

Before You Start: Does the Church Have What It Takes?

Truth is, most of these kinds of articles start with a couple of Rah Rahs! to help get your motivation up about revitalization. If you need a shot of Atta Boys first, then go read some other article and then, perhaps, when you’re adequately positive-minded, then come back and start this article.

Because I’m probably […]

Deepen Your Congregation’s Spirituality Quotient

Back in the mid-1980s, while I was an undergraduate at Florida Baptist College, my professor, Dr. LeRoy Benefield, shared insights that have stayed with me to this day. He recounted a statement from Billy Graham, who estimated that only about 10% of active church members were faithful, practicing disciples of Jesus Christ. This revelation […]

Online Shopping Fundraisers for Churches: The Complete Guide

If you’re a church leader, fundraising coordinator, or giving committee member, you’ve probably spent time thinking about what goes into a successful church fundraiser. However, the best giving initiatives are not just lucrative—they also make effective use of your team’s limited time and resources while engaging your congregation.

One engaging, resource-efficient way to raise extra […]

Three Key Characteristics of Effective Leaders

One of the greatest needs in the church today is effective leadership and I want to share three key principles that I’ve found formational in my own life.

What qualifies me to write on this subject? Fifty plus years of leadership learning and experience (My nickname in high school was “The General” when I […]

The Apostolic Movement in the Emerging World

From time to time, I write about movements that I see emerging. The last three movements I wrote about were local churches establishing and staffing church planting centers within their churches, congregations with more than one location, and churches and organizations whose goal is to reach their city for Christ.  All three of these […]