Too Busy to Lead

I had a conversation today that caused me to think.  This pastor had a lot of balls in the air.  In fact, too many.  So a thought came to me about another two rules of management (click here to read the first five rules).

Point Number Six:  Never be too busy to lead. Sounds like a […]

Make a Decision – or Not

I just spent a weekend with a church that is facing one of the most difficult decisions a church will ever have to face. To be or not to be: That is their question. This church has just lost their interim  pastor and only has six months of financial resources left. It sounds pretty […]

The Future is Coming True

I was just interviewed by a young man who was doing research on multi-site churches for his seminary degree. He was quite thorough and seemed to have covered the waterfront in his reading on the subject. What got my attention were two insights I was not aware of.

The first insight was that I was the second […]

Five Secrets to the First-Century Church

When I read the Acts of the Apostles I am constantly reminded that the early Church exhibited five basic attributes that are missing today in most declining congregations.  But when I see these five attributes alive and well in a congregation, that church is almost always growing and reaching out to the lost. […]

A Mainline Turnaround

Lyle Schaller Lyle Schaller just continues to turn out exceptional books.  A Mainline Turnaround is another one.  It is full of research and insights all of which will make it easier to turn a church around and get it on a productive course.  The longest chapter is on designing the actual turnaround.  Several of the chapters are on specific […]

Five Books For The 21st Century

I’ve always been a voracious reader, so I encourage pastors to read a minimum of ten books a month. I was glad to read a blog from Rick Warren titled “To Be a Great Leader You Absolutely Must Be a Reader.” You can see the article here.

However, I remember when I was a pastor […]

The Ability to Focus

One of the things I’ve had to do over and over when coaching pastors is remind them to focus on the major issues we’ve talked about instead of getting distracted time and time again. Pastors appear to be extremely vulnerable to distractions due to their high desire to please people. Often pastors have a […]

Five Things You’re Doing That Won’t Grow Your Church

The church pastor was flummoxed. He had no idea why his church wasn’t growing. He was doing lots of stuff right, but he just couldn’t get any traction. So he called me. After a lengthy conversation, I helped him identify five things he was spending a lot of his time on that weren’t growing […]

Leadership Team Field Exercise 2: Ambiguity of Leadership Language

By: John Laster

From “Gaining Traction” (Chalice Press, 2007)

Do some informal research the next time you as a leader can procure about 5 minutes in a gathering of a cross section of the congregation (a class, small group, town hall meeting, fellowship gathering, or other setting).

•     Let people know you need their input on a quick […]