Brian McLaren, Generous Orthodoxy

Generous OrthododoxyBrian McLaren

Finally a book that puts into words feelings I’ve had for a long time – there has to be more to Jesus than Christianity and there has to be more to Christianity than the church. I’m sick to death of the willy nilly way we live out both.. As they are thought […]

Lyle Schaller, The Very Large Church

Schaller, Lyle E.The Very Large Church: New Rules for Leaders

Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2000) 247 pages, paperback, $20.00. Obtain from Abingdon Press, 201 Eighth Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203

The Very Large Church is one of Schaller’s best books to date. It is a must read for ANY size church because it challenges ALL the […]

How to Meet Unchurched People

One of the questions I’m asked most often by the folks I’m coaching is this: “Where and how do I connect with unchurched people?” This question is in response to my trying to get pastors to spend more time with unchurched people, especially pastors in churches under 500 in worship. I want to address […]

Shy Is Not a Disability

Let’s start off with a fact. You can’t change introversion. If you get exhausted being around a group of people (every group of people, not just certain ones), then you’re probably introverted. And introverted is “who” you are – it’s a personality trait that you can’t change on a whim.

However, according to lots of […]

Vision Crashers

Recently, I received an email with a question about vision and I thought I’d share it with you.

Many pastors seem to have wonderful visions when they tell it. However, they rarely seem to be able to turn their words into reality. What do you think are the major causes of failure for […]

Is Christmas Becoming Like Easter?

It’s an exciting time to be a pastor.  It’s equally exciting to be a consultant.  You have to stay on your toes.  These times are changing from moment to moment.

For some time, the Effective Church Group has referenced Easter as Alumni Sunday, meaning that it’s a time when members who rarely attend worship may […]

It’s “That” Time of the Year Again

That dreaded time for most mainline churches is just around the corner. I’m referring to the fall stewardship drive. If your church is like 90 percent of mainline churches everything in October revolves around securing enough pledges to support next years budget. And for these churches the critical question is “What program do we […]

A Prayer for Sanity

My denomination, The United Methodist Church, has just initiated a program called “Praying Our Way Forward.” This is a denomination wide program that begins with Phase One, which is encouraging all the Bishops to agree to spend 15 minutes a day between now and mid-November. So far 84 Bishops are signed up.

Now calling for […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication Part Five: A Conversation with Ralph Moore

I just got off the phone from a delightful conversation with Ralph Moore, pastor of Hope Chapel in Honolulu. Ralph is a 70-year-old, humble hippie who is planting the third Hope Chapel and is responsible directly or indirectly for more than 1,000 church plants. I was struck by his humble, straightforward way of sharing both himself […]