Let Go…

We live in a world of constant change. As we go through our daily lives, we live in uncertainty, never knowing for sure what tomorrow could bring. Forget tomorrow, often we don’t know what the next hour will bring.

In addition to uncertainty, we deal with the speed of a fast and furiously paced life. […]

12 Days of Christmas Tools

β€œI bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people” (Luke 2:10b NIV). 

Christmas is the good news of great joy for all people. Christmas should be a party β€” a birthday party for Jesus. It’s the reason we say, β€œMerry Christmas.”

So how do we as church leaders keep Christ in […]

Church Planting Models … Stuck-In-A-Rut

Why is it that in a denomination with the slogan “A thousand church plants, a thousand different models” that when it comes to Anglo church planting there seems to be only one model that gets any serious conversation: The Pastor Developer Model.

Talk about so yesterday. And so expensive. .And so very, very ineffective for […]

A Smooth as Glass Restart

...congregation did right was calling a pastor they had confidence in. A successful church transformation always starts with a new pastor. Sometimes, as in this case, the new pastor comes...

It’s 2.5 Minutes to Midnight

We live in a crazy world. It seems everything has been turned upside down since the election of Donald Trump. Truthfully, I don’t know if this is good or bad. I guess we will have to wait and see. What I do know is I have come to distrust what I read or see […]

Newbie Communication

When I go to most churches, even my own, I try to see everything as if I’m a newbie. Most of the time that’s not hard as I travel across the nation. Recently I was in a mid-sized church where the pastor delivered an eloquent sermon on the need for making connections in the […]

Church, Essential Ingredients

From Bill Easum

We are often asked to boil down to a bare understandable minimum the essential characteristics of a biblical congregation.

Driven by a clear mission (DNA) that is imprinted throughout the life of the congregation. E very church has the same DNA – to carry out the Great Commission. Of course, every DNA […]

Creating Missional Communities

IntroductionHi! Welcome to Our Seminar- Creating Missional Communities: Implications of Re-Hearing the Church’s Story. I am your host, Todd Hunter. Thank you for participating, and thanks also to Easum, Bandy & Associates for linking us together for this online coaching seminar. I look forward to our conversation and pray that the Holy Spirit will […]

What’s in a Name?

I was with a group of church planters recently, and the conversation around the table focused on naming the church. Most of the planters had already named their ministries, but a few were still in limbo… which can be a very good place to be.

So, if you haven’t yet named your church, or you’re […]