The Five Tasks of the Lead Pastor

First let me say this: The lead pastor is ultimately responsible for EVERYTHING the church is called to do. From worship to weddings, finances to funerals, bulletins to butts in seats, discipleship to digging the weeds, annual planning to plunging toilets, and vision to visiting, the buck stops with the person sitting behind the […]

What’s All the Buzz Part One

By Bill Easum (2007)

The phrase “What’s the Buzz” is taking on more meaning every year.  Let me explain.

Those of you who know me know I have long been a proponent of television and direct mail marketing. While I am still a proponent of these two media I am becoming less convinced of their effectiveness.

Case […]

The 4 Secrets to Effective Church Events

You have an event that your congregation puts on, but no one starts coming to your church because of it.  Do we continue anyway because it is a “good” event?

Most churches have some wonderful events, but we miss out on a vital opportunity to leverage this for the glory of God and His Kingdom. […]

Can This Church Turnaround? Case Study #1

Established: ~1904

Tribe: Protestant Mainline

Worship Style: Rural traditional, family informal


Congregational Demographics: 
AWA: 32
Trend: 20 years steep decline; 8 years slow decline; followed by 10 years slight decline
Median Age: 61
Adult Generations: 21 Builders+; 8 Boomers; 2 Gen-X; 1 Millennial
Children/Youth: 2–3
Ethnic Mix: Anglo
SES: Mixed, mostly blue collar; income similar to ministry area
Debt: $0

Available Resources: ~$100,000 in endowments


Ministry Area […]

The Power of Yes!


It always amazes me how much talk a church can do and still accomplish nothing. Sure, sometimes the discussion gets to yes, but far too often the NO comes about because too much time has passed. Too much talk and not enough do.

I suppose that’s why the book Action Trumps Everything by Len Schlesinger, president of Babson […]

How Do You Measure Success for Your Church?

Welcome to 2013.

How are you going to measure the success of your church this year, and every other year, for that matter? Worship attendance, finances, Sunday school and/or small group attendance, the number of baptisms, the number of new leaders raised up?

What if I told you that even though these are all important, none of […]

First Among Equals

We all are familiar with the legend of the boy Arthur who the wizard Merlin prophesized would be the one to pull the magical sword, Excalibur from the stone and become the king. You may even know the part where King Arthur and his knights of the round table set out in search of […]

Why They Start Churches – Through Their Eyes

I just returned from Vietnam where the church is exploding. What I saw on this trip, and have seen on past trips, is a church growing. It’s not because of Western involvement, or any other that I could detect, but from unique stories of how individuals came to faith in Christ through unexpected ways, […]

Try This for Finding Church Visitors

Last weekend, about 15% of Americans were a part of Christian worship.  If you are a Christian leader, that should be enough to get you motivated.

Many church leaders weren’t trained for what ministry looks like today.  The bottom line: Could you use more visitors in your church?  If so, let’s get started.

Some years back, […]