EBA Leadership Tip

Help for Dying Churches

by Jeff Patton

What is a dying church?  Have you seen one lately?  Are you in one?  Would you know if you were? Dying congregations have these characteristics:

They all say “We are friendly, debt free, and full of great people.”

They all have under 50 in worship, and use their money to survive.

They […]

How to Effectively Lead a Staff

This article is a follow up to the previous article on staff management.

Learning how to lead a staff is one of the most important aspects of a pastor’s life if that pastor wants to be an effective leader. Every study shows that the vast majority of churches grow based on their leader and how […]

Four Reasons Some Churches See First-Time Visitors Almost Every Week

The pastor was on vacation and I was invited to be the guest preacher. Before the service, while I was being briefed by the worship leader, I noticed a significant hubbub at the back of the church. A young couple had come in and they were very nearly mobbed by one well-wisher after another. […]

Everett M. Rogers, Diffusions of Innovations

Rogers, Everett M.Diffusion of Innovations

(New York, NY: Free Press, 1995) 519 pages, paperback, $32.95 . Obtain from The Free Press, A Division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

One of the classic books on change and how innovation actually causes change within a system. Although much of […]

Morgan McCall Jr. The Lessons of Experience

McCall, Jr.Morgan The Lessons of Experience: How Successful Executives Develop

The Lessons of Experience: How Successful Executives Develop on the Job

(The Free Press, New York, NY 1988) hardback, $27.50. (Obtain from The Free Press, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020.

This is a must read book for seminary students, young pastors, judicatories who […]




By: Tom Bandy

There are two basic ways to practice accountability in your organization or church.

The traditional, top-down way is to list all the tasks that could or should be done and then supervise every person to make sure they are accomplished in the prescribed method and timeline. This practice of accountability is time consuming […]

Building Usage Policies and Your Church Mission

Recently a pastor asked me for a copy of my church’s building use policy. At first I did not understand the question. Then I got it. Trouble is that my church has never found a need for an elaborate written policy when it comes to various groups using our facilities.

Basically, you pay us to […]

A Lesson in How to Be Hospitable to Strangers

In June I attended a workshop on “Managing Creativity” sponsored by Leadership Network and the Disney Institute in Orlando.  Although I didn’t get to see much of Disney during the day and half I attended the workshop, I was introduced to enough of it to have some interesting thoughts.  I first shared my initial […]

Ho. Ho. Ho.

By Bill Easum

Ho. Ho. Ho.

Tis the season to be jolly.  Or is it?

That is the 64,000 dollar question everyone paying attention is asking these days.  I hope you are paying attention and realize that the U.S. economy is in a serious free fall over the past two months and that Christmas is going to […]