The Four Pillars of Church Growth: A Strategic Blueprint for Transformation

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast and lunch,” says business thinker Jim Collins. But when it comes to church growth, strategy shouldn’t be left off the dinner table. Here’s how to strategically implement the four pillars—Invite, Connect, Disciple, and Send—to transform your church into a thriving community.

Invite: The Strategic Art of Outreach

Inviting isn’t just about opening […]

Transformational Small Groups

One of the key elements of most discipleship pipelines I’ve seen is what I call “transformational small groups.” The problem is, when most people hear “small groups,” they think of Bible studies, which is far from what is meant by a transformational small group. Let’s look at the difference.

Most ineffective small groups are primarily […]

Missional Small Groups

One of the key elements of most discipleship pipelines I’ve seen is what I call missional small groups. The problem is, when most people hear “small groups” they think of Bible studies, which is far from what is meant by missional small groups. So let’s look at the difference.

Most ineffective small groups are primarily […]

It’s a Flea Circus … Oh Wait, That’s the Church

Glenn Kelley at found a great 60 second video on how to train fleas in three days. It’s a great video and I’ve embedded it here as well. Take a look and then scroll down for more.

I’ve often quipped that if a church tries something new in worship it’s called innovation. If it […]

Messages from Randy: Spiritual Rituals

I, Randy, woke up this morning a little weary.  The rain from last night was pounding against the air conditioner unit in my back bedroom window.  The “ping ping” of the rain “bullets” hitting the metal backing of the air conditioner had a certain rhythm throughout the night that, at first, was pleasing to […]

The Sudan Project

For the past six Christmas seasons, Pastor Mike Slaughter of Ginghamsburg Church in Tipp City, Ohio, has been calling attendees of his church to spend only half as much as they would normally spend on their own family’s Christmas and to bring the rest in for a Christmas Miracle Offering to serve the people […]

The Most Misunderstood Man in Christianity

To some, Donald A. McGavran was one of the greatest missiologists in Christian history. To others, his name is almost synonymous with the devil.  Those who malign McGavran have simply misunderstood him. They say all he was about was numbers. They say he was responsible for pastors building large churches around the homogeneous model. […]

Planning for a Summer Hump Instead of a Summer Slump

It goes without saying that most pastors know that worship attendance in the summer usually marks the all time low for the year.  We know not only attendance but income will slump. We don’t think it has to, at least not as much as most churches experience.  We think the Summer Slump is almost a self-fulfilling […]

Easter Evangelism Outreaches

With Easter coming soon there are some unique opportunities that you and your church can do to serve your community while promoting your Easter services.

Servant Evangelism is a term I learned from Steve Sjogren whose book, “A Conspiracy of Kindness” pointed me in the direction of seasonal missional outreaches. According to Sjogren, “servant evangelism […]