The 80% Rule: There’s More to It Than Parking

The church was soooo proud. Their choir loft was shoulder-to-shoulder with sopranos, altos, tenors, baritones, and basses. So they didn’t see the “divide into two choirs” recommendation coming. They sounded so good and full, and wasn’t that the purpose of the choir? But the choir was so overgrown that it could no longer achieve […]

The Living Christmas Tree

Hey folks, here is a way to raise additional funds at Christmas.

Every year we did a program we made up called The Living Christmas Tree. The week of the first Sunday in Advent we put a 24-foot-tall fake Christmas tree in our worship center. Then on Advent Sunday night, we gathered to put ornaments […]

Perpetual Learning Environment

One of the biggest regrets of my early ministry was that I spent too much time among church people. Spending too much time with church people can dull one’s sense of adventure and innovation. I have found over the years that church people are prone to park their brains at the door when they […]

Tomorrow’s Church Today – Part 1

[The following post is from the Editor’s Foreword in the Mar-Apr 2010 issue of Net Results, North America’s most experienced church growth and evangelism magazine.]

The role of the church is changing, whether we like it or not, whether we’re ready for it or not, and whether we believe it or not. Back in the day, […]


By Hirsch and Frost

Frost and Hirsch have provided us with several thought provoking books.  ReJesus is another such book. Like all of their books this one covers a wide range of disciplines within and outside of the Christian environment.

Their prime objective is to call the Christianity back to its radical center- the wild, disruptive […]

Adoption: The Congregational Mission

I was visiting a mainline church recently that had been experiencing ongoing and significant decline. The church wasn’t exactly a small church, but it wasn’t huge either. Over 200 people attended worship there every week. The odd thing was that, although this church was in decline in terms of attendance and participation, it was […]

Six Steps for Effective Follow Up on Easter Guests

Here are six steps to effectively follow up with Easter guests.

*Acknowledge your guest’s presence. Be sure to take time during the service to publicly acknowledge that there are guests in the service. Pointing out to your guests (in a non-threatening way) that you know they are with you is the start of effective follow […]

Preach For Life Change Preach for Transformation

I suspect that exegetically and homiletically, the sermon would be considered a winner. The biblical text was put into its historical context for the audience, Greek roots were exposed and explained, and there were excellent anecdotes, statistics, stories, and personal experiences sprinkled throughout. The title was memorable and the presentation was nearly superb. As […]

The Four Core Processes: Not a Balancing Act

The Church: Mainline, 107 in average worship attendanceThe Location: Northeast USThe Pastor: First call, seminary trainedThe Resources: Consultation completed, coach engagedThe Presenting Issue: Lack of growth, few visitors, lots of busyness with little returnThe Real Issue: The pastor’s commitment to balance

You can lead a horse to water. Sometimes, as coaches and consultants, we just […]