Conversations You Can’t Ignore Part VI

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Over the past week we have examined the major church movements underway today – Emergent, Incarnational, Organic, Reproductive, and Sim Card.  You may be asking “Why didn’t you mention the “Missional Movement?” One simple reason – I believe every true church, no matter what movement it is a part of, has to be missional or […]

Status Updates Matter

I’m always amazed, but seldom surprised, by the content of status updates I see church leaders, especially pastors, making these days. One pastor was apparently having a bad day (or week, month, year, or ministry… I wasn’t sure which) and he let the world know that life pretty much sucked for him. I wondered […]

Summer Priorities – Tip 7: Worship and Hospitality Team Training

Most clergy plan worship for the coming program year in the summer. That usually means anticipating the preaching cycle, focusing themes and preaching series, gathering resources for major celebrations, and delegating responsibilities for music and drama. The more resources you gather now, the easier implementation will be when life gets really busy.

But have you […]

Making Disciples in Our Culture

Have you heard?  The world is ending September 23.  Nibiru, or infamous Planet X, is coming.  All humanity shall perish.  Okay, Nibiru was also supposed to come in 1995, 2003, and 2012.  But…

I like to say that Jesus is coming tomorrow.  One of these days I’m going to be right!

We just experienced an eclipse. […]

Tragedy in the Making

I caught a glance at a blog post from Serene Jones, the president of Union Theological Seminary, and was struck yet again at how little surprises me, but I never cease to be amazed.

The post is titled “Why Attend Seminary?” and somehow my curiosity was roused and I glanced through her musings. It was […]

How to Implement Permission Giving

From a participant on the Advanced forum (To join click here

Dear Forum Colleagues:

At Trinity Lutheran Church in west suburban St. Louis (Track 1), we are coming to the climax of the “visioning” or DNA formation process. We have our Core Values and Bedrock Beliefs solidly in place. In fact, they helped us weather a […]

First Week of the New Year

No matter what, most resolutions are broken before the second week of January rolls around.

Good intentions pave the road to yesterday’s results.

If you’re committed to changing things in your church, now’s the time to begin.

And it all begins with you, pastor.

Here are five-and-a-half practices that guarantee that the end of this year won’t look […]

No Pain, No Gain

ure, it’s a cliché. No doubt about it. But it doesn’t make it any less true.

Although the pastor had been there for a couple years, he was just one in a long line of bullied leaders. No one had any idea what to do about her, but she’d been known to brag about the […]

We’re Living in Strange Times

If you’ve lived through 9/11 and 2008 you know what I mean about strange times. If you don’t know, no need to read any further. You’ve got too much sand in your ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to us.

We’re living in a time of exaggerated contradictions.

At the very time many of […]