Six Tactical Mistakes Churches Make

By Bill Easum

Over twenty years of consulting with more than 40 denominations has allowed me to see some common tactical mistakes made by church leaders. Although I have seen many mistakes, six stand out as the most common tactical mistakes made by church leaders (I have ranked them according to the damage they can do […]

What I’ve Learned About Evangelism Over Five Decades

I led my first person to Christ in 1956 on a street corner in Austin Texas. I was seventeen and on fire. I used the Four Spiritual Laws and asked him to let Christ into his heart and behold he was a new person. I met the person years later and he was still […]

You Can’t Feed the Soul if You Don’t Feed the Body

It seems my article “Six Tactical Mistakes Churches Make” hit a cord. Several commnents have been made both on and off my Blog.  One of the most important comments came from Matthew:  “How would you “combine evangelism and social justice into the fabric of the church?” Help me understand what that would look like.”

Here’s my response:

Matthew, this […]

A Guest-Friendly Website

Recently I was asked for recommendations for remodeling a church’s website. In response I wrote a too-long email, but a just right blog post. So I thought I’d share it here. A “tiny” bit of this is pretty technical, but even a novice will find some tips to help tighten up your site. (BTW, […]

Thinking Critically About Media

This is a guest post from Leslie LeSieur who is one of the contributing writers for Net Results. The content was so relevant and spot on, I had to share.

Throughout this last year, my oldest child has often declared “I hate COVID!” or “When will it be over?” I know we can all echo […]

Christmas Tree Lights – a Fun Fundraiser

I posted most of this post last year, but the program is so effective i thought I would elaborate on it and share it again.

Hey folks, here is a way to raise additional funds at Christmas for some of those projects that you can’t afford.

When I was pastoring, every year we did a program […]

Response to Yesterday’s Brain Twister on Facebook

Thanks to the dozens of you who attempted to answer the brain twister posted on Facebook. Although no one got all of the elements correct, many of you got at least part of it right. So let me share with you what I would want to tell this church. I’ll summarize it for our use […]

Predictions About the Future

This week’s email from has an article from Brady Boyd sharing four predictions about the future. All four of them are worth taking the time to ponder for a moment. Although I agree with all four, there are a few nuances to point out in order to avoid giving the impression that these four will dominate the future.  […]

The Last Easum Event … Really

Someone asked me yesterday if this is really going to be my last event or was it just promotion. Hmmm. No one has ever heard me say anything like “this is my last event” before. At 79, it is the last one, I assure you. So, I wouldn’t wait for the next one because […]