6 Ways to Safeguard Pastors

Pastors live in the midst of many people. But the secret is they are often lonely and depressed. Pastors suffer from a lack of friends.

Be honest, if you are a pastor, are you lonely? If you go to church, do you think your pastor may be lonely?

Not only is this an issue for the […]

Curing Congregational Low Self-Esteem

Many churches I work with suffer from low self-esteem and a sense of hopelessness. There are many reasons for this malaise, a common one being that the congregation has come to believe their circumstances are insurmountable (they’re not, but that’s a post for another time).

I’m working on a recommendation report from a consultation with a church […]

You Choose: Faith or Fear

There are two different ways of dealing with just about everything in life, by faith or in fear. Faith is described in Hebrews 11:1,as being “certain of what we do not see.” It is an absolute belief that God is constantly working behind the scenes in every area of our lives, even when there […]

Pulling the Trigger – Part Two

Yesterday we looked at why it is so hard for pastors to pull the trigger and institute something new. Today we are going to look at what pastors need to do in order to pull the trigger.

Leaders Must Manage Themselves
Pastors or executive pastors have to be flexible on non-essentials and stubborn on the essentials. […]

Bandy, Thomas, Kicking Habits: Welcome Relief for Addicted Churches

(Abingdon Press, 1997) 232 pgs., $14.95 paperback. Available thru Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN 800-251-3320.

Here is a church transformation resource that not only explains why the local church must change, and in what direction the church must change, but also explains how to do it! Kicking Habits is written for “would be” or actual church […]

The Day-To-Day Mentor

Mentoring someone into faith or deeper into faith is your responsibility. Unless you’re the pastor, it’s not the pastor’s responsibility. Unless you’re a Sunday school teacher, it’s not the Sunday school’s responsibility. Unless you’re a small group leader, it’s not small group’s responsibility.

It’s your responsibility … you know, that whole “Go ye and make disciples” is […]

5 Ways to Leverage Your Church Music Ministry

Perhaps you’ve noticed, people aren’t clamoring to go to church these days.  On any given weekend, about 15% of Americans worship as Christians.  But do not despair, your church music ministry can be a great resource for contemporary evangelism.

At The Effective Church Group, we feel keenly that pastors of churches under 500 at worship […]

Four Things that Keep People Out of Your Church

I suspect no church intentionally goes about barring their doors to keep new people out, but given the poor first-time visitor numbers in most churches, it sometimes seems like that might be the case. A healthy, growing church should be seeing enough first-time visitors each week that they make up 3 percent or more […]


This morning I saw a commercial for one of our local car
dealerships. It was a commercial as on any other day in any other week, as
though things are the same today as they were two weeks ago. Or a week ago,
before schools began their who-knows-exactly-how-long closures. Before our adult
children “sequestered” us. Before our County […]