Holy Shift: Redirecting Your Ministry Focus

As we usher in the 2024 New Year, it’s not just about flipping the calendar page; it’s about reassessing our paths and priorities – cutting through both ministry and life’s clutter. For us pastors and church leaders, this introspection is more than a ritual—it’s a necessity. We’re not just managing organizations; we’re nurturing communities […]

Invite a Friend this Easter

“82 percent of the unchurched are at least “some what likely” to attend church if they are invited. Perhaps we need to pause on this response. Perhaps we need to restate it: More than eight out of ten of the unchurched said they would come to church if they were invited. If you take […]

The Pastor’s Playbook for Boosting Church Giving

“We don’t have money problems anymore.” Imagine hearing that in your church. That’s exactly what one of my Catalytic Church Growth Pastors told me last week. It’s like a breath of fresh air, isn’t it? But let’s be real – even in churches where the offering plate seems always full, there’s never enough cash […]

What I am Learning About Permission Giving Churches Part Two

Bill Easum

What Churches are Teaching Me
About Permission-Giving Churches
Part Two

To bring everyone up to speed with last month’s article, a permission – giving church is one in which people are empowered to live out their spiritual gifts without having to ask for permission.[i] Last month we focused on what permission – giving churches are teaching me […]

Creating a Body of Christ Culture

Church leaders constantly ask us how to get people to commit enough time to do lay ministries. “My people are just too busy,” they say.

Folks, let’s face it; that’s nothing more than a copout from doing authentic ministry. Most people have time to do what is meaningful to them. Sure, time is now as […]

The Changing Face of Worship and Church Growth

Interview with Bill Easum

Pastors often turn to church growth strategists to help them develop a plan for their church. These specialized consultants can make a significant impact on every program in the church, including the music ministry. William Easum has been at the forefront of the church growth movement for a number of years. […]

Between Thought and Faith, Culture and Religion

Background to Dialogue

The following paper by Doris Lax and response by Tom Bandy were part of the presentations to the annual meeting of the North American Paul Tillich Society in November 2000. This society is one of the largest and most diverse academic societies associated with the American Academy of Religion.

Doris Lax is a […]

Bailey, James, After Thought: The Computer Challenge to Human Intelligence

(New York:; Basic Books:: 1996, 277 pgs., hardback. Obtain from Harper Collins. $25.00)

Baily has struck a home run in his reading of history. He identifies three revolutions that have changed the way humans think. The first revolution was geometry. Ancient people wanted to know where they were in relation to the universe. The math […]

Why Many Mainline Church Plants Struggle

On top of being a transformational church consultant and involved in spiritual leadership development and training, I also wear a hat called the New Church Department Chair. In that role, I lead a small group of Christian leaders in the NE Area of Missouri who are committed to developing church planting. We’re currently seeking […]