An Interview with Frank Viola

I had a chance to chat with Frank Viola recently.  You may recall, Frank has published some very controversial books lately.  Then along came Jesus Manifesto coauthored with Len Sweet, a long time friend.   When I asked Frank if he would talk with me about the book, he was gracious to talk to me.  Here […]

Water Jar Behind: Community Reach Ahead

“Then the women left her water jar behind and went back to the city.”  As the woman at the well encountered Jesus, her life was transformed, and then she headed out in mission to her home town.  (See John 4: 7-42)  This story gives us concrete clues as to what it takes to reach […]

Why Don’t People Invite Their Friends?

In these COVID times (and honestly, pre-COVID times), it’s become very clear that church members aren’t inviting their friends (or anyone else) to join them for worship. A recent poll by the Barna Group revealed that 60 percent of people will not invite people to attend worship with them online (or Share or Like […]

Interesting Stats on Growing a Church: Breaking Some Old Myths

Here’s some research that you should know about – it could give you some pointers on what grows church plants. The research included all major denominations and some 1200 church planters. The survey was limited to churches started after 2007, so there were 843 church planters that fit the criteria. The research was done by […]

What Are You Measuring – Expanded

When I posted this on my blog I had no idea I would get some many emails asking for more clarification on how to go about deciding on what to measure and how to actually do it. So here does the expanded version of my blog post.

The old adage “you get what you measure” […]

Reaching Your Congregation With Text-to-Give: 3 Tips

For years, churches have relied on traditional face-to-face fundraising to raise revenue for their operational costs, youth programs, and charitable work. However, as new technology innovations have become available, organizations have been able to take a more modern approach to raising funds and connecting with their audience. Of these new innovations, the most notable […]

Local Churches with High Capacity Church Multiplication Centers

By Linda Stanley

Recently, Leadership Network sponsored a briefing at Central Christian Church in Henderson, Nevada that included presentations from local churches that have high capacity church multiplication centers. These churches are participants in a five-year pilot project that was designed as a strategic partnership between each of them and Leadership Network. The project began […]

Resolutions or Commitments?

Friends, I count not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.  Phil. 3:13-15

New Years is a time when […]

The Consumer Church Metaphor

Church members don’t generally want to have their church compared to a business, but sometimes they just can’t help themselves and they fall into the metaphor themselves.

The board meeting had a motion on the floor to upgrade the brand of Sunday morning coffee to one that was more appealing to the younger generation that […]