Vision Crashers

Recently, I received an email with a question about vision and I thought I’d share it with you.

Many pastors seem to have wonderful visions when they tell it. However, they rarely seem to be able to turn their words into reality. What do you think are the major causes of failure for […]

My Predictions for 2050

Over the years, I’ve made a few predictions about the future and every one of them has come true (you can see the bulk of them here). Now it’s time for another set of predictions. The first seven predictions are strictly about Christianity and the remaining predictions are secular but will need to be […]

To Change Our Church, We Have to Change

The other day I sent this to the people I’m coaching for them to use in a time of reflection. Several said it was helpful.  So I thought I would share it with everyone.

All of you are trying the take your church to the next level. You are asking God to do something new in […]

The Spiritual Traveler: On a Journey Toward Wholeness

I, Randy, listen to many people throughout my day.  I listen to people in the dog park, in the coffee shop, in the diner, at the gym, and in line at the burrito stand.  I hear so many times from various people, “I am not religious, but I am very spiritual.”  I have wondered […]

Stop Developing Leaders, Get More Ministry Done, and Grow Your Church

The lack of leadership is one of the top reasons pastors and other church leaders point to for why their church isn’t growing. “We need more leaders to get the job done. Our current leadership is tired and overworked.”

When quizzed about what they’re doing to raise up more leaders, the answers tend to include […]

What is the Secret to Effective Worship?

I am driven by the terrible fact that only about 15% of Americans worship as Christians on a given weekend.  This consumes me.  In a country where we are free to worship, why do so many refrain?

What about you?  Are you like me?  Are you distressed by our worship reality?  Do you wonder how […]

Music Helps Churches Jump Just a Little Bit Higher

A couple posts back, I wrote a piece on the PS2 UTube video on training fleas and related it to the church. I spend most of my church consulting hours working with churches that have been banging their heads on an imaginary lid that has kept them stuck at some level. I was working […]

The Top Staff Positions for Churches Reaching Young Adults

A client recently posed a staffing question and asked me to address it. “Why should the first hired staff positions be (1) a worship leader for a non-traditional style worship service; and (2) a children’s director?” The answer is as simple as it should be self-evident.

Without a steady influx of young families to the […]

How to Meet Unchurched People

One of the questions I’m asked most often by the folks I’m coaching is this: “Where and how do I connect with unchurched people?” This question is in response to my trying to get pastors to spend more time with unchurched people, especially pastors in churches under 500 in worship. I want to address […]