Bird & Tomberlin -Better Together: Making Church Mergers Work

When I began consulting 24 years ago church mergers were normally based on two dying churches coming together for survival. Not so any more. The real-life research of Warren and Tomberlin shows that most successful mergers today are mission-driven – that is, two churches coming together around a compelling vision. This is a must […]

Focus Interviews Searching for Clergy and Staff Leadership: Part 3 of 3

Search committees are always looking for pastors and additional staff, but they need to know the difference between mission-driven leadership and maintenance-drive leadership. Here is the first set of distinctions you need to make in your interviews:

I am in a therapeutic process          I am charging ahead with clarity of purpose

Ministry is a stage in life                  […]

Focus Interviews Searching for Clergy and Staff Leadership

Search committees are always looking for pastors and additional staff, but they need to know the difference between mission-driven leadership and maintenance-drive leadership. Here is the first set of distinctions you need to make in your interviews:

Maintenance                                  Mission

Serving the church                         Serving the Mission

Serving the membership                Serving Christ

Care Taking for members               Care Giving to strangers

Equipping to do […]

A Culture of Fear

By Bill Easum with Doug Murren

The war with Iraq is “over” and the one in Afghanistan is winding down. But one thing is certain: The terrorists have already won because America is becoming a culture of fear. People are afraid to fly, even though they are more likely to be killed in an automobile […]

Follow-Up With the Younger Generations

I had a GREAT conversation with the pastor of one of the churches I mentioned in my post Churches That Don’t Want to Grow. It probably won’t take you long to guess which of the pastors contacted me, since only one even had any way to know that I was there! So, this pastor […]

Focus Interviews Searching for Clergy and Staff Leadership: Part 2 of 3

Search committees are always looking for pastors and additional staff, but they need to know the difference between mission-driven leadership and maintenance-drive leadership. Here is the first set of distinctions you need to make in your interviews:

Do you love the church?                Do you desire to be with Jesus?

Philanthropy to do good stuff        Mission to […]

10 Things We Wish We’d Learned in Seminary

This brief list was inspired by a blog post by Ben Reed at

Once I read it, I thought I’d jot down my own top ten list and I asked Bill Easum to do the same. I found it interesting to see what we identified.

Bill T-B’s List

That today’s churches need leaders more than they […]

Towns, Wagner, and Rainer, The Everychurch Guide to Growth

Towns, Elmer, C. Peter Wagner & Thom S. Rainer
The Everychurch Guide to Growth

(Nashville, TN: Broadman & Holman Publishers, 1998), 205 pages, paperback, $12.99. Obtain from Broadman & Holman Publishers, Nashville, TN.

A more than excellent book describing the “How To’s” of moving beyond the traditional worship barriers of 200, 400, and 1,000. Although the language […]

Leadership Team Field Exercise 5: Blessing Time

From “Gaining Traction” (Chalice Press, 2007)

At least once a month, randomly pick a team member to “sit in the hot seat” and be the focus of a short blessing time at the end of a meeting. One way to structure this is to put the names of everyone on your team in a bag. […]