The Power of Small

Sometimes we can get so caught up with perpetuating the success of growth and larger congregations that we lose sight of the small things that give the support to be able to sustain that growth. This can be the case with regard to small groups and the growth of the church. As we move […]

What Are You Measuring – Expanded

When I posted this on my blog I had no idea I would get some many emails asking for more clarification on how to go about deciding on what to measure and how to actually do it. So here does the expanded version of my blog post.

The old adage “you get what you measure” […]

What’s All the Buzz Part One

By Bill Easum (2007)

The phrase “What’s the Buzz” is taking on more meaning every year.  Let me explain.

Those of you who know me know I have long been a proponent of television and direct mail marketing. While I am still a proponent of these two media I am becoming less convinced of their effectiveness.

Case […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication: Part One

There’s a new movement underfoot in the West that just might stem the tide of Western Christianity’s decline. Although it’s too soon to share the details (that will be done next year in a book from Exponential), what I can tell you now is that it will turn the value system of most Western […]

Changing a Congregation’s Ethos: Not an Overnight Job

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth.

Too many church members, and indeed too many churches, carry an attitude of entitlement rather than commitment. They act as if they’ve paid their admission price and now the rest of the church has to coddle and cow-tow to their every […]

Response to Yesterday’s Brain Twister on Facebook

Thanks to the dozens of you who attempted to answer the brain twister posted on Facebook. Although no one got all of the elements correct, many of you got at least part of it right. So let me share with you what I would want to tell this church. I’ll summarize it for our use […]

You Can’t Lead Where You’re Not Going

I hear about it all too often. Some pastor shares his/her frustration because they can’t rally the congregation to get serious about evangelism. Or follow-up.  Or missions within the community. The list goes on and on. But when I ask the all important question, “So, when was the last time you personally introduced someone […]

Church Marketing

I didn’t used to be much of a blog reader, but after conversations with a couple of folk it became clear that blogging, reading, and responding are a social networker’s lifeblood … and since I always fancied myself as a social networker, I’ve started reading a couple. I was reading Glenn Kelley’s blog this […]

Better Than a Secret Handshake – Signs!

I was looking for the storefront church on Sunday morning. My GPS said I was at the right address, but nothing jumped out and said, “Hey, you! Come join us for worship!” Eventually, I parked and walked down the sidewalk. I finally found the church right where it should be – but the stenciled […]