The Best Way to Retain Visitors

It’s a known fact that it’s easier to keep a new visitor than it is to get a new visitor. So why is it that most churches get only a 15% return rate? The answer is simple – most pastors don’t make an effort to do so. I’ve never understood how a pastor, especially […]

Pastor and Staff

From Bill Easum

I would say that no matter what the circumstances, unless moral
failure, the loyalty of the staff must be to the senior pastor without
hesitation.  When a staff member cant do that they should leave for
good of the church.

It means never, ever, contradicting whatever the staff decides at the
staff table. it means praying for one […]

A Church OF Small Groups

Small groups are one of the most misunderstand
ministries I’ve ever seen and I’ve seen them all.  Most small groups are just one of many
programs churches undertake in an attempt to either reach more people, keep more
people, or provide a needed form of fellowship and perhaps some Bible study.
And in every case those small groups […]

The Father Factor

My father died in a car accident when I was 16 years old and it was one of the most significant moments of my life. I was fortunate to have had my father around during my formative years. In the years that followed, I sought out lots of substitutes to fill the hole that […]

Fathers: Teach Your Children Well

In his book “Healing the Masculine Soul”, author Gordon Dalbey tells the story of a Catholic nun who worked in a men’s prison. One day a prisoner asked her to buy him a Mother’s Day card for his mother. She did, and the word got out to other prisoners, and pretty soon this nun […]

The Five Tasks of the Lead Pastor

First let me say this: The lead pastor is ultimately responsible for EVERYTHING the church is called to do. From worship to weddings, finances to funerals, bulletins to butts in seats, discipleship to digging the weeds, annual planning to plunging toilets, and vision to visiting, the buck stops with the person sitting behind the […]

Get People Involved in a New Church Start

For the week of October 10, 2005

Get People Involved in a New Church Start

By: Paul Nickerson

The old image of a new church start was a “parachute”. A new church start pastor was “parachuted” in, under the cover of darkness, without any neighboring congregations having any idea this was happening. Resentment often followed, and the […]

Finding our Way, Leadership for an Uncertain Time (Margaret J. Wheatley) – Part 2

Learning Occurs in Community

The first is the pioneering work of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire.  Working among the poorest of the poor in Brazil, Freire developed the practice and theory of Critical Education.  He demonstrated that people who had never learned to read could quickly develop skills of literacy and complex reasoning if those skills […]


Cultural holidays are wonderful opportunities to attract people to your church. Take last weekend’s Super Bowl as an example. For years the church I pastored would host ‘Football Sunday’ and we would encourage unchurched people, especially men, to attend services wearing their favorite team’s jersey or colors. As a part of my message on […]