Mission Statements That Inspire

I read a lot of Mission or Vision statements from a lot of different churches.  Most of them don’t turn me on and if they won’t turn me on there is a good chance they won’t turn on anyone other than churched people. They are mostly:

·  too churchy – using words that are familiar only […]

Mobilization Mindshift

There is a shift of mindset – a mindshift, if you will – going on today when it comes to how pastors view their role and their congregations. In the past most pastors looked for volunteers who they could convince to fill some committee or ministry slot in the church.  The result is that 80% of the people […]

Bil Cornelius Has a New Book

My friend Bil Cornelius, pastor of Bay Area Fellowship in Corpus Christi, has a new book out, I Dare You to Change!  I haven’t read it yet, but I will soon and I’ll let you know the verdict. But knowing him, I have a feeling it will be really good.

Bill Easum

The Pros and Cons of Membership Follow-Up


In an earlier post, a reader asked if I had thoughts about tracking everyone who attends worship, specifically how to do that. I’ll address the how in a moment, but before I do I want to address the why.

Attendance tracking is, admittedly, a pain. This is true in small churches where the charter members […]

Our Resources

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Whatever Happened to Excellence

My brother was in the Marines … a loooong time ago. I was in the Air Force … a looooooonger time ago. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “Good enough for government work.” I imagine I heard that now and again during my tour in Europe, but I know good and well my […]

Get Un-Stuck

When I was growing a healthy effective church, I would often seek out advice from other successful churches to see what they were doing to grow. One of those churches was North Coast Church in Vista California, a suburb of San Diego. The senior pastor is Larry Osborne, and he has positively influenced me […]

The Doer Dilemma

It’s not politically correct these days, but the old adage, “Too many chiefs and not enough indians” points to a larger problem in the church today.

Yes, there’s a leadership vacuum in most churches today, but not for the reasons most people think. It’s not that there aren’t potential leaders there in the church, there […]

Quick and Easy Mission Planning

By Guest Blogger: Jason Lewis from StrongWell.org

Mission trips are an amazing opportunity for people young and old to travel and help people through the light of the Lord. They give you a broader perspective of the world and shake up your humdrum routine. Mission trips teach people about the importance of giving to those […]