An Effective Bar Ministry

I got a note the other day asking about what a bar ministry might look like. There are a couple ways that churches are doing successful bar ministries. Here are the two dominant models:

A church buys a bar and operates it as one of its outreach ministries. These bars are far from preachy […]

How to Increase and Respond to First-Time Visitors

We’re constantly looking for ways to increase the number of first-timers coming to church and to encourage the congregation to invite their friends.  Here are four goodies.


At the end of worship, take a moment to say, “Let’s take a moment to center our thoughts on who we can invite to church next Sunday.”

Conversations You Can’t Ignore

Over the next few days I will be exploring some of the key conversations occurring within Western Christianity.

The Morphing Protestant Scene

We all know our world has radically changed over the past few decades. I first wrote about this change in 1993 in my book Dancing with Dinosaurs[i]. In my book, I described the change as a […]

Building Usage Policies and Your Church Mission

Recently a pastor asked me for a copy of my church’s building use policy. At first I did not understand the question. Then I got it. Trouble is that my church has never found a need for an elaborate written policy when it comes to various groups using our facilities.

Basically, you pay us to […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication Part Five: A Conversation with Ralph Moore

I just got off the phone from a delightful conversation with Ralph Moore, pastor of Hope Chapel in Honolulu. Ralph is a 70-year-old, humble hippie who is planting the third Hope Chapel and is responsible directly or indirectly for more than 1,000 church plants. I was struck by his humble, straightforward way of sharing both himself […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication Part Five: A Conversation with Ralph Moore

I just got off the phone from a delightful conversation with Ralph Moore, pastor of Hope Chapel in Honolulu. Ralph is a 70-year-old, humble hippie who is planting the third Hope Chapel and is responsible directly or indirectly for more than 1,000 church plants. I was struck by his humble, straightforward way of sharing both himself […]

A Prayer for Sanity

My denomination, The United Methodist Church, has just initiated a program called “Praying Our Way Forward.” This is a denomination wide program that begins with Phase One, which is encouraging all the Bishops to agree to spend 15 minutes a day between now and mid-November. So far 84 Bishops are signed up.

Now calling for […]

Tomorrow’s Church Today – Part 1

[The following post is from the Editor’s Foreword in the Mar-Apr 2010 issue of Net Results, North America’s most experienced church growth and evangelism magazine.]

The role of the church is changing, whether we like it or not, whether we’re ready for it or not, and whether we believe it or not. Back in the day, […]

5 Questions to Discover If You Honor the People God Loves

We talk a lot about honor in our culture in regards to public service and acts of bravery.  But why don’t we speak more about honoring one another in daily life?

Think about it.  How do people perceive you?  And in regards to church, does your congregation honor every precious child of God?

I feel keenly […]