Unlearning Our Way Forward

I’m sure we would all agree that our world is changing faster than at any other time in our lifetime and most likely in all of history. And with such fast paced change we are watching many of the tried and true principles by which pastors have led and grown churches are no longer […]


This morning I saw a commercial for one of our local car
dealerships. It was a commercial as on any other day in any other week, as
though things are the same today as they were two weeks ago. Or a week ago,
before schools began their who-knows-exactly-how-long closures. Before our adult
children “sequestered” us. Before our County […]

Helping Kids Cope – Equipping Parents

As parents begin to struggle through the emotions brought on by Hurricane Katrina, it’s important to remember that children are also impacted by the scenes they see played out on television, the words they hear spoken and the pictures they glimpse in the paper.

“Children are often more aware of what’s happening than we realize,” […]

Empowered Passions

. . . in a New Language

A new language emerges out of the ashes of modernism. It is decidedly the language of metaphor, and it will definitely ride a wave of emotion.

This new language will involve all forms of communication in a sensory, emotional multimedia more real than reality itself. Like all arts, rituals, […]

Before You Start: Does the Church Have What It Takes?

Truth is, most of these kinds of articles start with a couple of Rah Rahs! to help get your motivation up about revitalization. If you need a shot of Atta Boys first, then go read some other article and then, perhaps, when you’re adequately positive-minded, then come back and start this article.

Because I’m probably […]

The Munching Sheep Theory

Easum, author of several widely acclaimed books on church leadership, including Growing Spiritual Redwoods, Leadership on the OtherSide, and Unfreezing Moves, is Senior Managing Partner of Easum, Bandy & Associates, Port Aransas, Texas. His insights are used in many denominations across Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

Sheep have a habit of getting so involved in feeding […]

The Emergency Room

Recently I had a conversation with one of the faithful EBA Community members who we’ve not heard from in some time. I phoned him out of the blue to ask a few questions about his perspective on the state of the church in the US. His response was both helpful and telling.

He shared with […]


Lemmings are those darling rodents that live in the Arctic Circle and look a bit like a hamster but have a strange suicidal habit. These little guys have a built-in sense of when their numbers are too numerous for their own good. When there are too many of them in a herd and their […]

The Munching Sheep Theory

Easum, author of several widely acclaimed books on church leadership, including Growing Spiritual Redwoods, Leadership on the OtherSide, and Unfreezing Moves, is Senior Managing Partner of Easum, Bandy & Associates, Port Aransas, Texas. His insights are used in many denominations across Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

Sheep have a habit of getting so involved in feeding […]