Committees and How to Get Rid of Them

Assuming you have a mission, vision, and values statement, or core values, or purpose statement, begin asking a series of questions:”What committees do we have that are not doing anything that helps these statements?” Eliminate them. Next, “What committees during the past year did not do anything?” Eliminate them. Then, “What committees did not […]

Some People Never Change

For the week of September 26, 2005

Some People Never Change

By: Bill Easum

The Time- The 16th Century
The Place- A monastery in Europe
The Setting – Two monks discussing the Gutenberg Bible

One monk says to the other one:

“I don’t think it will ever catch on. It is too hard to use. I find the old scrolls much […]

Five Syndromes of Staff

by Milton Lewis, Senior Pastor, Northern Hills Church San Antonio TX

syndrome n.   1. A group of signs and symptoms that collectively indicate or characterize a disease, psychological disorder, or other abnormal condition. 2. a. A complex of symptoms indicating the existence of an undesirable condition or quality.

1. The Star Syndrome

Also known as “Tony Dorsett Disease,” this syndrome is characterized […]

But What About Us?

We were talking about preaching to your target audience – your Outreach Avatar – and one of my preaching students shared that one of his elders was complaining about the sermon du jour on his way out on a Sunday morning. “Why do you preach about things that don’t relate to us?”

The pastor explained […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Chapter 02 Introduction

10 is Better than 1
I assume that all of us would agree that ten new Christians is better than one new Christian. Right? I think we would also all agree that ten times ten is even better than ten when it comes to the number of people our churches are reaching.  Right? And I’m […]

What Goes Around Comes Around

Countless rural churches provide refreshment booths at county fairs, fall festivals, and innumerable community events. They have pie booths, ice cream booths, turkey dinner booths, craft booths, and entertainment booths. The problem is, all these booths charge money for something. Churches are really there, not to share the Gospel, but to raise money. If somebody comes […]

Get Un-Stuck

When I was growing a healthy effective church, I would often seek out advice from other successful churches to see what they were doing to grow. One of those churches was North Coast Church in Vista California, a suburb of San Diego. The senior pastor is Larry Osborne, and he has positively influenced me […]

From Sermons to Staplers: How to Sort Your Church Priorities Without Losing Your Religion

In today’s fast-paced, distraction-filled world, staying focused on what truly matters is more challenging than ever. As a pastor or church leader, you’re not merely managing a congregation; you’re spearheading a mission—a mission that can’t afford to get derailed by the myriad of “urgent” but ultimately inconsequential tasks that vie for your attention. So, […]

The Five Pillars of Financial Wisdom: Equipping Your Members for Financial Success

Reprinted from Net Results Magazine

Can I be honest with you? The majority of your church members are financially illiterate. That’s a problem, especially when you consider that Jesus talked more about money than any other topic besides the Kingdom of God. In fact, in my opinion, it’s an untenable situation. Church members should be […]