Apostolic Movements: Contemporary Apostle

Contemporary Apostle by Todd Hunter
Thousands of Acts of Being Sent
Something gets lost when that which was meant to be familiar and recognizable among a people is made exceptional and mysterious. It is even worse when such a gift is thought to have hero status or celebrity attached to it. The situation can get down […]

Developing a Transformational Small Group Bible Study

Let me start out by being totally clear. A Bible study in and of itself is not a life transforming activity. The church is filled with spiritually immature members who are the products of many years of “Bible studies,” Sunday school classes, and discussion groups. Most Bible studies are data dumps of information that fills […]

Predictions About the Future

This week’s email from ChurchLeaders.com has an article from Brady Boyd sharing four predictions about the future. All four of them are worth taking the time to ponder for a moment. Although I agree with all four, there are a few nuances to point out in order to avoid giving the impression that these four will dominate the future.  […]

Meet Ray

Ray is twenty-seven years old and works in IT at the local university. He’s been married for three years and he and Jessica just had a baby girl a couple of months ago. Life is pretty good for Ray and Jessica. They own their home – well, the bank owns it, but they bought […]

5 Components To Look For In Kids’ Ministry Curriculum

As a church leader, you know that children are the future of your congregation, but they are also the church of today. Every church’s children’s program is responsible for raising up the next generation of believers and teaching them Scriptural truths.

So, whether you’re looking to bring children into your church or foster a positive […]

Does Your Church Need Resurrection or Revitalization?

All of us know that 80% of the churches in the U.S. are either in decline or on a plateau, with the congregation getting older each year.  This trend has been going on since the mid 1960’s in every denomination with nothing in site to suggest it will change.  At this pace traditional Christianity […]

Book Review: God Dreams

There’s a saying, no one seems to know who said it first, that “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”  I try to stay out of those rooms whenever possible. So it wasn’t surprising to me when I found myself in the same room as Will Mancini and […]

Enlarge My Territory

I have a plaque on a wall in my office that I look at often for inspiration. On it there are two verses that can be easily missed from one of the least-read books of the Bible, 1 Chronicles.

“Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez,saying, “I gave birth […]

Why Leadership, Not Calling, Determines Ministry Success

Once upon a time, I was a young, optimistic student pastor appointed to a small Methodist church in Hinson’s Crossroads, Florida. The church, nestled at the end of a paved road that gave way to a winding red clay path, had just 38 members. Despite being told that growth was unlikely, I rolled up […]