Spiritual Checkup 2023

For years as the pastor of a growing congregation I would take time at the end of each year to be quiet and asked God to bring to my mind the significant things He wanted to teach me about the last year. I would also ask God to impart to me what changes He […]

When Love Came to Town

Valentine Day is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. For many people it is merely a time to exchange cards, and if a guy is especially smart he gets flowers for his girl or lady. The practice began in the 6th century and continues to this day. […]

Small Groups are Replacing Adult Sunday School

In my book Dancing with Dinosaurs (1993) I had a chapter in which I said adult Sunday School  was coming to an end and was being replaced by small groups that meet in homes. You should have heard the negative letters I received.  One person called me a heretic. Another called me stupid.  I […]

Christmas Ideas

It’s not too early to begin thinking about what you’re going to do to capitalize on the pagan holiday known as Christmas. Yes, you heard me correctly – Christmas is a pagan holiday. But contrary to what you might think, its status as a pagan holiday makes it an even more valuable evangelism tool than you […]

Thoughts on the Way Forward for UMC

The United Methodist Church is on the verge of schism. No one wants to call it that, but that’s the direction we’re going. At the moment, three “ways forward” are being presented. Option One is essentially to stay the course and hold those accountable who do not follow the constitution. Option Two, rewrites the […]

Frost and Hirsch, The Shaping of Things to Come

Frost and HirschThe Shaping of Things To Come

This is a book that should be read by every Christian who knows something is wrong with today’s version of Christianity but can’t put their finger on what it is. The authors challenge every facet of Christianity today from ordination to the traditional creeds and offer a […]

How Things Have Changed- Again

By Bill Easum

When I first started preaching some 51 years ago, going to church was never considered to be anywhere near fun. The hard pews attested to that. Yes, back then, in the dark ages, it was a rare site to see padded pews; after all that would make them more comfortable and everyone […]

Pastor? Leader? Really?

In a previous post I suggested there was a need for new – or renewed – language for church leaders. As wonderful as having new language might be, there’s an underlying issue that I’ve become increasingly aware of. Many, if not most, clergy in today’s North American church are well trained pastors, but when […]

The Needs of the One: The Awkward Balance of Ministry and Leadership

Without apologies, I’m a bit of a Trek fan … both the bicycle kind and the sci-fi kind. Most of the time I indulge my Trekness for pure fun and escape; however, I’m a believer that if you keep your eyes open there’s something to be learned in and from almost everything.

And so, it […]