Creating Missional Communities

IntroductionHi! Welcome to Our Seminar- Creating Missional Communities: Implications of Re-Hearing the Church’s Story. I am your host, Todd Hunter. Thank you for participating, and thanks also to Easum, Bandy & Associates for linking us together for this online coaching seminar. I look forward to our conversation and pray that the Holy Spirit will […]

Leadership Covenants

I was asked what a church’s leadership covenant should include. I’ve done a training on that for the Conflict CPR Training Set, but here are my thoughts.

A 100% commitment to supporting the congregational DNA (mission, values, vision)
A commitment to intentional adult spiritual development by participating in a small group or a micro […]

Too Many Pastors Are Wasting Their Lives: Responses

My recent article “Too Many Pastors Are Wasting Their Lives” must have hit some raw nerves. We’ve had over 16,000 hits on the blog post. Most of them were supportive, but some were downright angry, and many of them missed the point of the article. It’s amazing to me how many people hear what they […]

How to Effectively Lead a Staff

This article is a follow up to the previous article on staff management.

Learning how to lead a staff is one of the most important aspects of a pastor’s life if that pastor wants to be an effective leader. Every study shows that the vast majority of churches grow based on their leader and how […]

Staff to Your Weaknesses

Good leaders not only know and play to their strengths; they are painfully aware of their weaknesses as well. The difference between a good leader and a great leader, however, is what they do about those weaknesses. Good leaders know their weaknesses and too often expend untold resources and energy in converting those weaknesses […]

Packaging Experience

Over the past five years I’ve seen a tremendous shift in my ministry. Ten years ago, the bulk of my ministry consisted of local church consultations and workshops. Occasionally I would be asked to coach a pastor following a consultation. Today, almost half of my ministry is coaching pastors either before, after, or totally […]

Five Steps to Revitalization

For the life of me I don’t understand why anyone would try to revitalize a church. But I did and I’m glad I did. Still, when I consider that the vast majority of pastors who try either fail or lose their job, I have to wonder why they would try, or why I tried? […]

When a Ministry Leader Fails

The pastor was nearly spitting nails. She’d entrusted a congregational member to lead what should have been an exceptionally effective outreach event. But by 4 PM the afternoon of the event, it was clear that almost nothing had been done to prepare for the ministry and as you can imagine, that meant the whole […]

Leaders Who Go From Good to Great

Many good leaders fail to reach their potential and become great leaders. Why?

A variety of answers could be given here.  The easiest one is to say that they reached the level of their skill set and natural ability and should not be expected to go any further.  However, I have known many good leaders […]