Churches Committed To Multiplication: Part Three

As a result of my time at the think tank in Atlanta, I spent some time listening to the message of several pastors who are leading either reproducing or multiplying churches, and I confirmed a suspicion I’ve had for some time.

The success of a church is not determined by how well the pastor teaches or […]

Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams Part 1

For the week of March 07, 2005

Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams: Part 1: The Absence of Shared DNA

By: John Laster

There are three common, interrelated barriers to more effective leadership teams: the absence of a shared DNA, the presence of fear, and a lack of trust within the team itself.

The concept of “shared DNA” contains […]

A Lesson in How to Be Hospitable to Strangers

In June I attended a workshop on “Managing Creativity” sponsored by Leadership Network and the Disney Institute in Orlando.  Although I didn’t get to see much of Disney during the day and half I attended the workshop, I was introduced to enough of it to have some interesting thoughts.  I first shared my initial […]

The Computer Science of Church Growth: Time Management Lessons for Pastors

Time management is a challenge that every pastor faces, especially when you’re leading a growing church. The good news? Computer science has some fascinating insights that can help you manage your time more effectively. Brian Christian did a TED Talk some time ago that offers some different – even some counterintuitive – tools to […]

Who’s Your Nominating Chair?

I was reading Luke 6 this morning and was struck by verse 12:
One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.
This passage immediately precedes the calling of the twelve apostles and it is one of only two times the Gospels mention Jesus going away […]

It’s 2.5 Minutes to Midnight

We live in a crazy world. It seems everything has been turned upside down since the election of Donald Trump. Truthfully, I don’t know if this is good or bad. I guess we will have to wait and see. What I do know is I have come to distrust what I read or see […]

Heresy Today and How to Respond

I was just getting ready to do a blog on the comparison of heresy in the first few centuries to that of today since today is so much like the 1st century, when I received a post from one of the members (Anne) of our Advanced Leadership Forum asking if our group had seen […]

Servolution by Dino Rizzo

Over the past couple of decades a major shift has taken place that has gone unnoticed by many established congregations. I’ve never had a good word for this shift until today when I read Servolution by Dino Rizzo, pastor of The Healing Place. Servolution is a movement underfoot today. More and more church leaders […]

Easter Evangelism

As I looked over the crowded sanctuary my heart was instantly gladdened by both the lack of comfortable seating and the colorful array of Easter attire. There seemed to be a glow of warmth that was infectious as we launched into our annual retinue of Alleluias and Up From the Grave singspiration. A bonnet […]