A Pastor’s Biggest Mistake

Well, I could list several but one stands out above all the rest – the pastor gets caught up in the church machinery and loses sight of what makes it all go around – building the Kingdom one person at a time.

I’ve watched dozens of church planters get 125 people in worship by focusing […]

The New Evangelicals

In my early years as a pastor (from the 60s through the 80s) I remember people saying that liberals focused on social justice mostly to the exclusion of evangelism, and evangelicals focused on evangelism mostly to the exclusion of social justice.  In fact, many of the theological differences during those years were crystallized in the dichotomy between social justice […]

Small Group Mistake

The mistake most churches make trying to develop a small group system is that they focus on starting small groups. Instead, they should focus on developing leaders who develop other leaders and release them for ministry. There are a minimum of four levels of leaders needed for such a system to multiply and be […]


Use Multimedia, but do not let it use you.  Multimedia should be used tastefully and should follow the flow of what you are doing.  Whereas I firmly believe in the use of multimedia, I do not affirm those who just throw it in for the sake of using it even if it does not […]

Acts of the Apostles

What would happen to your ministry if every year you chose a dozen lay people you felt had potential and spent the year discipling them? What would happen if every paid staff person on your staff did the same?

Suggestions for such an experiment

Begin the time exploring the movement and antics of the church in […]

Why Do Baseball Players Spit and Football Players Scratch Their Butts

I’ve been stuck in a hotel with the flu for five days so I have lots of time to ask dumb questions. With nothing to do but sneeze and cough and watch TV, I turned to the Yankees and Red Sox game.  That afternoon, still with nothing to do, I watched  the Colts game […]

The Future of Church Consulting

I began consulting with churches part time in 1987. I’ve been a full time consultant to churches since 1990. My consulting firm, 21st Century Strategies, Inc. has been around for twenty-two years. So I’ve had time to see a lot of changes in church consulting over the years- some good and some not so […]

Why Every Pastor Needs A Coach

The longer I am in ministry, the more I realize how valuable a coach is to a pastor.  Coaching wasn’t in vogue when I was pastoring. I wish it were; it would have saved me from making several big mistakes.  Let me share a couple of mistakes that could have been avoided if I […]

The World Doesn’t Need More Pastors

When I restarted a church in 1969, I shared the following mission statement: “Every member a minister.” In 1982 the statement changed to “Every person a minister.” In 1990 the statement changed again to “Every person a missionary.”

When I left that church in 1993, 80 percent of the people were involved in some form […]