Staffing Made Simple

One of the main bugaboos of many pastors is learning how to staff a church.  In reality, knowing how to staff is simple if you just use your noggin.

The following is based on any size church. If the church has under 500 in worship, some of the following staff should be volunteer or one paid staff […]

The Secret to Finding People Who Don’t Go to Church

Jesus said to “Go!” and make disciples.  But where do we go?

A big issue in contemporary church is that most Christians only interact with other church people.  If you are a follower of Jesus, how many friends do you have who don’t go to church?  Do you need to change that?

I recently did a […]

Responding to the New Voices

Many new voices are on the horizon claiming to be the wave of the future. That’s both exciting, also a bit scary. Let me mention a few of the leading contenders – The Incarnational Movement, The Emergent Movement, The House Church Movement, The Emerging Church Movement, The Outward-Focused Church Movement, The Revolution Argument – […]

Taking Hospitality from Good to Great

What is church hospitality?  Is it unique from other hospitality?  What about the rather significant emphasis on hospitality in the Bible?  Let’s be honest, most churches are fortunate to have good hospitality, not great.  Okay, most congregations have poor hospitality when it comes to loving the stranger, the first time guest.

For me, the pivotal […]

Dealing With Conflict in the Church: A Mission-Centric Approach

Conflict within a church, irrespective of its size, is an inevitable part of its life cycle. How the church navigates through these waters—whether through healthy disagreements that foster growth or unhealthy conflicts that threaten unity—can significantly influence its mission and community presence. This article focuses on a structured, biblical approach to managing conflicts, drawing […]

Bruce Tulgan, The Managers Pocket Guide to Generation X

Tulgan, BruceThe Manager’s Pocket Guide to Generation X

(HRD Press, 1997) 102 pages, paperback, $7.95. Obtain from HRD Press, 22 Amherst Road, Amherst, MA 01002, 1-800-822-2801,

Written by, for, and about the elusive Gen X Generation. This book has value two ways. For church leaders it is a definitive, short work on this generation. For […]

Erwin McManus, Seizing Your Divine Moment

McManus, ErwinSeizing Your Divine Moment

(Nashville, TN, Thomas Nelson, Inc.) 246 pages, hardback, $19.99.  (Obtain from Thomas Nelson Publishers, a division of Thomas Nelson, Inc.,

What a book!  Every Christian who feels in their gut that there must be more to their faith than they are experiencing should read this book.  Every church leader who knows he or […]

Durall, Michael, Beyond the Collection Plate

(Nashville, TN, Abingdon Press, 2003), 152 pages, paperback, $16.00.  (Obtain from Abingdon Press, PO Box 801, 201 Eighth Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37202 or

This book offers a very practical look into a biblical approach to stewardship and money. This is not a book about fundraising. You will not find any helpful tactics or gimmicks […]

Brian McLaren, A New Kind of Christian

McLaren, BrianA New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritua

A New Kind of Christian: A Tale of Two Friends on a Spiritual Journey, by Brian D. McLaren, (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishing, 2001), 173 pages, hardback, $21.95. Obtain from Jossey-Bass Publishing, 350 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94104-1342,

My guess is […]