What’s All This About Seekers

We hear a lot of conversation today about whether or not to have a “seeker” form of worship. Some say worship should be “seeker sensitive” while others talk about “seeker driven.” Some congregations have both “seeker services” and “believer services,” most notably the renowned Willow Creek Community Church. A hard example to take exception […]

Leaders Take Responsibility

Leaders always take responsibility for the situation in which they find themselves. They never blame someone or something else for the situation. This means that leaders always tackle whatever the situation is like and change it. If one does not do that, one is not yet a leader. Leaders never say, “if the system […]

Don’t Panic!

I got a note the other day from a church pastor who asked me to explain to him and to his congregation why they should engage in an on-site consultation. His church is struggling with breaking the 200 barrier, has a large endowment fund that they’re unwilling to touch, and are living as if […]

The 3 Pillars of a Strong Church Vision

Want a vision that sticks? You need these three pillars!

You walk into a church and what do you see? Stained glass windows, perhaps. A pulpit, most likely. But what about the invisible architecture? The stuff you can’t see but can definitely feel. I’m talking about the vision of the church. And let’s face it, […]

Are You Making These Five Hospitality Mistakes?

They had a problem. A BIG problem.

More than nine out of ten first-time visitors who walked through the door never returned. It was like their visitors walked in, took a quick look around, and maybe even kicked the tires and hung out for worship, but once they left the building, their sentiments were, “Cross that church […]

5 Ways You Make Your Guests Feel Comfortable

Church visitors come and church visitors go. And most of the time, it’s just like that. In a typical North American church, less than 15 percent of all first-time visitors ever return. Over the years, I’ve spoken with hundreds of business owners and every one of them has agreed – if they only retained […]

Changing a Congregation’s Ethos: Not an Overnight Job

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth.

Too many church members, and indeed too many churches, carry an attitude of entitlement rather than commitment. They act as if they’ve paid their admission price and now the rest of the church has to coddle and cow-tow to their every […]

How Do You Measure Success for Your Church?

Welcome to 2013.

How are you going to measure the success of your church this year, and every other year, for that matter? Worship attendance, finances, Sunday school and/or small group attendance, the number of baptisms, the number of new leaders raised up?

What if I told you that even though these are all important, none of […]

Kick Start Growth

The majority of churches in North America have been experiencing over a decade of decline or plateau. Often, common sense prevails and church leaders will endeavor to put church growth plans into place that will grow their church on a slow, and yet consistent, basis. The fact is, though, churches rarely grow slowly and […]