Why Don’t People Invite Their Friends?

In these COVID times (and honestly, pre-COVID times), it’s become very clear that church members aren’t inviting their friends (or anyone else) to join them for worship. A recent poll by the Barna Group revealed that 60 percent of people will not invite people to attend worship with them online (or Share or Like […]

A Time for Giving

Two of the most important celebrations of the year, Thanksgiving and Christmas, happen at this season. During these times, workers jockey for time off, families come together from all over the country or world, food is prominent, and hopefully a good time will be had by all. I know, this isn’t starting out as […]

What to Say After “Hello”

I was at a church planting event some years ago when someone asked, “Tell me what you do.” Saying “I plant churches” didn’t seem to capture what I was doing, since I was already coaching other leaders and leading the occasional workshop on evangelism and church growth. But to be honest, I wasn’t prepared […]

Can the Church Compete?

Recently, I heard the pastor of a smaller church bemoaning the Sunday morning competition with the local sports teams. He was asking whether or not the church could even compete in today’s culture.

Frankly, the only smart way to compete is to compete to win – and that begins by being brutally honest with what […]

A Day to Remember

I was born a few months before the German invasion of Poland. That makes me 70. I was too young to realize what was happening at that time. I just knew that there werent many men around those days. 16 million of them had gone to fight the war. Now we have a hard […]

The Spiritual Traveler: On a Journey Toward Wholeness

I, Randy, listen to many people throughout my day.Β  I listen to people in the dog park, in the coffee shop, in the diner, at the gym, and in line at the burrito stand.Β  I hear so many times from various people, β€œI am not religious, but I am very spiritual.”  I have wondered […]

Why People Leave the Church … and the Faith

Some time ago, Martin Marty was quoted in Tom Clegg’s Lost in America that about 3000 people per day in the West (outside of the Bible Belt in the US South) leave the Christian faith – not the church, the faith. There really wasn’t much evidence outside of his work to support the contention […]

Why People Leave the Church … and the Faith

Some time ago, Martin Marty was quoted in Tom Clegg’s Lost in America that about 3000 people per day in the West (outside of the Bible Belt in the US South) leave the Christian faith – not the church, the faith. There really wasn’t much evidence outside of his work to support the contention […]

Is Church a Verb or Noun?

Is the word β€œchurch” a noun or a verb? How you answer this question explains whether you understand the Gospel or have totally missed its point.

So let’s start by asking a question β€“β€œWhich image best portrays a church?”

Which one did you pick? By the conversations of most Christians it would appear to be the […]