What Goes Around Comes Around

For the week of June 20, 2005

What Goes Around Comes Around

By: Tom Bandy

Countless rural churches provide refreshment booths at county fairs, fall festivals, and innumerable community events. They have pie booths, ice cream booths, turkey dinner booths, craft booths, and entertainment booths. The problem is, all these booths charge money for something. Churches are […]

Make Father’s Day Special

Letā€™s face it, Fatherā€™s Day is the Rodney Dangerfield of holidays. Itā€™s the, ā€œI get-no-respectā€ little brother to Motherā€™s Day. Fatherā€™s Day will probably never achieve the popularity or social significance of Motherā€™s Day but as church we can celebrate the men who are called to be the Spiritual leaders of their homes.

Here are […]

The Smaller the Church, The Fewer the Christians

When I came across an oldĀ Barna Report that suggestedĀ that the smaller the church is, the fewer Christians there are, I suppose I wasnā€™t surprised, but Iā€™d be lying if I didnā€™t admit to being dismayed. Although Iā€™ve had a lot of experience with small membership churches as a consultant/coach, Iā€™d always secretly hoped there […]

Finding our Way, Leadership for an Uncertain Time (Margaret J. Wheatley) – Part 2

Learning Occurs in Community

The first is the pioneering work of Brazilian educator Paulo Freire.Ā  Working among the poorest of the poor in Brazil, Freire developed the practice and theory of Critical Education.Ā  He demonstrated that people who had never learned to read could quickly develop skills of literacy and complex reasoning if those skills […]

Back Yard Missionaries

When most people hear the word ā€œmissionaryā€ they think of someone going off to a foreign country. That used to the case. But no more. Today, in the U.S.,Ā we are called to be ā€œback yard missionariesā€ to our networks.

Today, only 30 percent of the missionaries being sent out in the world are from the […]

Donā€™t ā€œMasadaizeā€ Your Members

One of the main reasons many effective churches stop growing is they so thoroughly take their new converts out of their social environments that over two or three years they lose all contacts with their pagan friends. Before becoming a Christian most people have many non-Christian friends with whom they spend most of their […]

Bil Cornelius Has a New Book

My friend Bil Cornelius, pastor of Bay Area Fellowship in Corpus Christi, has a new book out, I Dare You to Change!Ā  I haven’t read it yet, but IĀ will soon and I’ll let you know the verdict. But knowing him, I have a feeling it will be really good.

Bill Easum

Grow Your Church on Mothers Day

I saw a post on Facebook this week that reminded me of a very practical church growth principle. The image said, ā€™The best gift you can give your Mother for Motherā€™s Day is to sit with her in church.ā€

Behind only Christmas and Easter, Motherā€™s Day is the third highest church attendance day each year. […]

Making Motherā€™s Day Special

I saw a post on Facebook that reminded me of a very practical church growth principle. The image said, ā€™The best gift you can give your mother for Motherā€™s Day is to sit with her in church.” Behind only Christmas and Easter, Motherā€™s Day brings the third highest attendance each year. People who havenā€™t […]