Easter Evangelism

As I looked over the crowded sanctuary my heart was instantly gladdened by both the lack of comfortable seating and the colorful array of Easter attire. There seemed to be a glow of warmth that was infectious as we launched into our annual retinue of Alleluias and Up From the Grave singspiration. A bonnet […]

The Emergency Room

Recently I had a conversation with one of the faithful EBA Community members who we’ve not heard from in some time. I phoned him out of the blue to ask a few questions about his perspective on the state of the church in the US. His response was both helpful and telling.

He shared with […]

Hope or Hype?

There’s been a lot of talk across the channels about the Public Religion Research Institute’s release of the 2020 Survey of American Religion (PPRI 2020 America Religion Survey Results). The study is primarily concerned with faith adherents by faith affiliation, political affiliation, age, ethnicity, education, and location (by county). The study is statistically significant […]

Why Your Church Won’t Be the Exception

I just returned from a church growth training event at a local church where we reviewed and evaluated their vision. Their vision statement was a bit wordy, but overall it got high marks.

However, this question arose from some of the members: “What about those in the congregation who don’t support the vision… those who don’t […]

Why People Resist Change

Bill Easum

Too many Christian leaders working with children these days still think it’s 1980. As a result, the children’s ministry in most churches is one of the most boring experiences in the life of a kid. And if a kid isn’t happy with your Sunday School, the parents seldom return.

So, how do we address […]

The Top Staff Positions for Churches Reaching Young Adults

A client recently posed a staffing question and asked me to address it. “Why should the first hired staff positions be (1) a worship leader for a non-traditional style worship service; and (2) a children’s director?” The answer is as simple as it should be self-evident.

Without a steady influx of young families to the […]

Unplugging from Cable

I was with my grandson … 13 years-old … yesterday and he asked grandma and I, “Do you have cable?” I admitted we did and he responded:

How can you stand cable and all those commercials? I hate commercials!

To be fair, so do I. In fact, my Kansas City apartment is completely unplugged from commercial […]

Church Yesterday … Church Today

Bill Easum and Tony Jones are in the midst of a conversation about the Emergent Church at the Emergent Village website … it’s called a Blogologue. I’m keeping up with it and enjoying the ride. One of the comments on “Part 2” caught my attention though, and in the midst of another conversation I’m […]

Church Leaders – a Contradiction in Terms?

I received a thoughtful note from a Church-Talk listener. He contended that the church has fallen under the spell of the culture’s understanding and practice of leadership. He went on the say that the church must follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit rather than fallen mortal man. I thought he was pretty perceptive […]