Living with or Ministering to a Stroke Victim

I’m sure some of my acquaintances will tell me I shouldn’t have posted this to my blog. They may be right but I feel compelled to post it because it might help someone.  Isn’t that what Christians are supposed to do? I want to help anyone who has a spouse who has had a […]

The Five Tasks of a Successful Lead Pastor

This week I want to talk about the multifaceted role of a successful lead pastor in the Post-Covid Church. To begin with, though, I’d like us to get one thing straight: as the lead pastor, you’re the captain of the church ship. Everything from the high seas of worship to the nitty-gritty of budgeting […]

The 7 Front Lines of Hospitality

At my church, the first person a guest likely has conversation with is “Tom.”  Tom has Asperger Syndrome.  He’s the perfect front line for hospitality.  His life situation keeps him focused on the mission at hand.  He’s not distracted by people he knows who are tempted to chat with each other.

His job is to […]

Why Church Plants Don’t Reach Their Potential

Why Church Plants Don’t Reach Their Potential

By: Bill Easum

My hearts aches.

Too many new church plants either don’t make it past eighteen months or remain so small they can barely survive, much less thrive. Why do so many church plants not reach their potential?

It certainly isn’t because they don’t try or don’t care. Church planters […]

The Super Bowl of Services

Bring good news of great Joy to new people…then bring them back!

With Christmas Eve fast approaching, it’s not too late to prepare for what historically is the service with the highest number of visitors all year. Many of these folks who attend will have limited or no church experience. Indeed, the “Nones” (people with […]

What’s All This About Seekers

We hear a lot of conversation today about whether or not to have a “seeker” form of worship. Some say worship should be “seeker sensitive” while others talk about “seeker driven.” Some congregations have both “seeker services” and “believer services,” most notably the renowned Willow Creek Community Church. A hard example to take exception […]

Managerial Aspects of Leadership

By Bill Easum

Being the pastor of a church requires many things not taught in seminary. One of those things not taught is the managerial aspects of leadership. Whereas leaders look outward to the future, managers look inward to the moment.

In a small church the pastor has to be both manager and leader if the […]

Youth Are Not the Future of Your Church

I heard it again today. “Youth are the future of the church.” Whenever I hear that I realize the person saying that means that if we don’t win the youth over to the faith that the future of the church is bleak. It’s a noble thought, but it’s not particularly accurate. Youth programming seldom […]

How to Grow a Small Church Part II

by Bill Easum

In part one of this series on How to Grow A Small Church I said the following: “You want to know the most important ingredient for growing a small church?   It’s a pastor who has one-on-one conversations with non-Christians that leads to their conversion to Christ.”  In part two I want to elaborate on […]