The Fifth Core Spiritual Habit: Personal Faith Sharing

The fifth core spiritual habit shifts the focus from ourselves and the church, and puts it where it ultimately belongs – on others.

Jesus’ last commandment was to make disciples and to be a witness to what we’ve experienced in Jesus Christ (as opposed to what we’ve experienced in the church). In general, the church […]

Back to Basics: 5 Ways to Increase Your First-Time Visitor Count

There are plenty of explanations why churches aren’t growing today … and frankly, most of what I read has a lot of merit. Culture’s changed. The church hasn’t … or it hasn’t kept up with the changes. Boomers left. Gen-X quit. Pre-Mills never got connected. The Millennials view church as so much yesterday’s yesterday.

On the […]

Do Sweat the Small Stuff

I’m sure you have all heard the phrase, don’t sweat the small stuff. That expression was highlighted in Richard Carlson’s book, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and It’s All Small Stuff. In it he tells you how to keep from letting the little things in life drive you crazy. Carlson reveals ways to calm down […]

How Churches Die Spiritually Part 2

How Churches Become Alive Spiritually: Part 2

By: Bill Easum

Last week we saw how churches become spiritually dead. But spiritual death does not have to happen. In order for the picture to be reversed, the following usually happens.

Action – Some one (usually the pastor) begins to cast a vision of a different future and […]


Use Multimedia, but do not let it use you.  Multimedia should be used tastefully and should follow the flow of what you are doing.  Whereas I firmly believe in the use of multimedia, I do not affirm those who just throw it in for the sake of using it even if it does not […]

Develop a Culture of Equipping

Bill Easum

Church leaders constantly ask me how to get people to commit enough time to do lay ministries. “My people are just too busy,” they say.

Folks, let’s face it; that’s nothing more than a copout from doing authentic ministry. Most people have time to do what is meaningful to them. Sure, time is now […]

Mack, Michael, The Pocket Guide to Burn-Out Free Small Group Leadership

Michael Mack is the founder of and  has been a long term player in the small group game.
Michal Mack has given us one of the most helpful and practical books on how to organize a small group ministry so your leaders won’t burn out. In this book he demonstrates how to team shepherd rather than lead […]

What Does Your Newsletter Really Say?

I get to see a lot of church newsletters pretty regularly. Some come by email, some with a stamp, but what they all have in common is that I get them. Since I’m not a member of most of these churches, I have to surmise that I’m not the only non-member who’s getting their […]


The most important thing to do … and you can do this in conversation with your various teams at church … is to decide what the missional goal of the sabbatical is. Frequently I find clergy unclear about this, and later they or the church discover the sabbatical was really just a healing or […]