Bringing People in Through the Side Doors, Charles Arn

Charles Arn talks about how growing church bring most people in through side doors rather than worship.

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Radical Disciple Making: Session 03

Download Revised RDM Session 03 Handouts: CLICK HERE

Mary Did You Know – A Merry Christmas

This Christmas I was introduced to the Pentatonixs (I know you probably knew about them earlier). What a great singing group, especially in a world where most music is slightly better than noise!

But it gets better. Have you heard their song “Mary did you know?” It’s one of the most beautiful and theologically sound […]



By: Tom Bandy

The more worship becomes part of a discipline of spiritual growth, the more churches are finding ways to interface worship with long-distance education. The Uncommon Lectionary, for example, really demands that churches develop websites, blogs, exclusive access email forums … and podcasting.

Podcasting is really an evolution from blogging that embeds an audio […]

Contingency Plans

The lights went out during worship last week. All of them. The ones overhead. The platform spotlights. The projector’s bright beam. Even the multicolored LEDs on the sound board went out.

They’d lost power.Β 

In retrospect, everything turned out alright. There was enough light streaming in through the stained glass windows that most people could both […]

Easter Preparation Check-List

As Easter weekend approaches, your church is getting ready to make a great first impression on guests who may never have stepped foot on your property. In addition to praying for your church members to invite others and having well prepared music and a powerful message to deliver, there are some other things make […]

What Will It Take For Mainline Denominations To Grow Again?

Nobody will argue that mainline denominations are in decline. It doesn’t matter if the decline is 80 percent or 65 percent as suggested by a recent Barna study, mainline denominations are seeing fewer and fewer people in the pews. This decline begs a question – β€œWhat will it take to turn this decline around?”

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Post Covid-19 … A Look Forward – Part 02

Although the nation isn’t quite shut down during this national health crisis, it looks like it’s slowly grinding to a near-halt. So far, churches still seem to have a choice about meeting live and in person or not, but it’s pretty clear there’s a lot of social pressure from both outside and inside the […]

What’s Your Sending Capacity?

For years now church gurus have talked about the seating capacity of a building.Β  You know, if your main worship service is 80% full you need another worship service. Well, even though that’s still true, how many you have in worship and the size of your building is not enough.Β  The real standard for […]