An Old Church Turns Around – Ray Stauffer

Interview with Ray Stauffer of Lindenwood Church who turned Lindenwood Church around after twenty-two years of stagnation.

A Church that Lost it’s Spirit – Jorge Acevedo

Video Interview with Jorge Acevedo, turnaround pastor of Grace United Methodist Church


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Evangelism: Exegeting the Community

How to Get First-Time Visitor Contact Information

If you don’t follow-up on your first-time visitors within a few hours of their visit, you shouldn’t be surprised if your church isn’t growing.

Every single study shows that follow-up is critical, and yet I still hear pastors handing out their … pardon me … lame excuses for why they don’t do it.

If your […]

Evangelism: Conversations and Faith

Evangelism: Yesterday and Today

Community Team Reproduction

Becoming an Inside Out Church

β€œOh, that God the gift would give us
toΒ  see ourselves as others see us”
Robert Burnes

The Declining Church

Tom Bandy observed, during his recent visit to Australia, that the decline of mainstream institutional Christianity was about ten years more advanced than in the USA and that some of the Australian responses to the β€œcrisis” might be […]