Start with Your To Don’t List

Confession … I love my To Do list. Every Sunday afternoon I sit down with my iPad and the Notability app, I copy the Weekly Planning template, open my weekly calendar (that my church administrator keeps up for me), and I plan my week. I add my appointments, my most critical “must accomplish” task, […]

Six Steps to an Effective Easter Follow Up

Easter is probably still your church’s most attended service. Here are six steps to effectively follow up with Easter guests.

*Acknowledge your guest’s presence. Be sure to take time during the service to publicly acknowledge your guests in the service. Do not point them out personally, but let them know that you appreciate their presence. […]

Doing Church in Tough Times

Doing Church in Tough Times: Create an Opportunity Ethos

There’s no question the times are tough. The economy is in the tank. Unemployment is rising faster than soda pop bubbles. The banking industry is on the ropes. The Big Three auto makers are on their knees. And no one knows who’s going down next. Even […]

Breaking Through to a New Sense of Mission

Leading congregational leaders to deepening their spiritual discipline and breaking through to a new sense of mission…a story…

What happens when denominational issues impact upon the local congregation? What happens when these issues cause people to leave and de-stabilize the congregation? What happens when the Senior Minister decides to leave and takes significant leadership and […]

Why Don’t People Invite Their Friends?

In these COVID times (and honestly, pre-COVID times), it’s become very clear that church members aren’t inviting their friends (or anyone else) to join them for worship. A recent poll by the Barna Group revealed that 60 percent of people will not invite people to attend worship with them online (or Share or Like […]

Church and Culture

For our time together I want to be clear that my purpose is not instruction, but rather agitation. My entire goal is to get you to experience the freedom of cursing your monitor. If I fail, ask Bill for a refund.

Second, I want to have some fun. You may not appreciate my humor because […]

A Day to Remember

I was born a few months before the German invasion of Poland. That makes me 70. I was too young to realize what was happening at that time. I just knew that there werent many men around those days. 16 million of them had gone to fight the war. Now we have a hard […]

Celebrate Fathers Day

Father’s Day will probably never achieve the popularity or social significance of Mother’s Day, but as church we can celebrate the men who are called to be the Spiritual leaders of their homes.

Use this holiday to remind fathers of their crucial roles in creating and sustaining a spiritually healthy environment for their children. Here […]

How Churches Die Spiritually Part 1

How Churches Die Spiritually: Part One

By: Bill Easum

Most established Protestant churches today are spiritually dead. I don’t believe church leaders intentionally set out to cause their church to become spiritually dead. Most church leaders in established churches I’ve worked with believe their actions are meant for just the opposite – to keep their church […]