Grilled Cheese, Fish Sticks, and Manger Scenes

December 5, 2004

Where is God?

A boy went with his family to one of those live nativity scenes at a church. There was a big crowd and he was really anxious to get close to see the live manger scene. Intent on getting as close as he could, he picked his way through the crowd, […]

How to Undermine Church Leadership in One Easy Step

The church had done all the hard work of building a solid foundation. They identified their mission, vision, and values and they developed both membership and leadership covenants. It looked like they were ready to move to the next steps of growth.

Enter the nominating committee.

There were several leadership positions that needed to be filled, but few […]

Breaking Through to a New Sense of Mission

Leading congregational leaders to deepening their spiritual discipline and breaking through to a new sense of mission…a story…

What happens when denominational issues impact upon the local congregation? What happens when these issues cause people to leave and de-stabilize the congregation? What happens when the Senior Minister decides to leave and takes significant leadership and […]

How to Engage Digitally: Social Media Strategy for Churches

As a church leader, you understand the importance of engaging every visitor. Expanding your congregation and the reach of your mission requires effective outreach. 

Social media is an effective tool for connecting with church members and is becoming increasingly popular in the world of marketing. If your church wants to keep up, you’ll need a […]

Permission Giving

From our Advanced Listserve (to join click here)

More churches are using consensus instead of voting. One example, Epiphany Lutheran, Rock Hill, SC, is using consensus voting.  Since moving to the permission-giving structure, they have not voted once, in any arena.  They agreed that this was the best way.  They do no have “congregational meetings,” […]

Dealing with the Generational Technology Gap

The first technological breakthrough may have been a sharp stick by Homo erectus and it seems to have served them well for a couple hundred thousand years. But when it comes to worship in the 21st century, technological breakthroughs barely last a generation. In today’s church there are effectively four adult technology generations: The Radio […]

To Change Our Church, We Have to Change

The other day I sent this to the people I’m coaching for them to use in a time of reflection. Several said it was helpful.  So I thought I would share it with everyone.

All of you are trying the take your church to the next level. You are asking God to do something new in […]

Leading a Church Staff Effectively

I was on a coaching call the other day talking with a pastor of a church of around 500 people in worship. This was the largest church he had ever led and he was frustrated with what he considered to be an ineffective staff. So I asked him to describe the problem. Here’s what […]

Make This Father’s Day Service Special

Let’s face it, Father’s Day is the Rodney Dangerfield of holidays. It’s the, “I get-no-respect” little brother to Mother’s Day. Interestingly, the American version of Father’s Day was first proposed in 1909 by a grateful daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd. Her father, a Civil War veteran, singlehandedly raised six children after his wife died in […]